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Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution.

Strictly speaking, Charles Darwin did not put forward the "theory of evolution". He publish a book called "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection OR The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life". The theory of evolution had been around for a long time, in fact, his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, had proposed evolution 75 years before Charles published his book.

Charles Darwin gave us the driving force for evolution - Natural Selection.

There had been suggestions for evolution and evidence in fossils well before Charles Darwin. It is just that nobody could work out why until Charles.

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Q: What scientist suggested that organisms slowly acquired physical characteristics?
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Acquired characteristics lead to evolution?

what evolution as a result of acquired characteristics

What are traits that are gained during an organism's life and not determined genetically?

Acquired Traits/Characteristics

Why are only inherited traits not acquired ones involed in the process of natural selection?

Because the idea of acquired traits states that simple organisms could arise from nonliving matter and could form complex forms of living, which is not supported anymore by modern scientific study of mechanisms of inheritance.

What theory of evolution did lamarck develop in 1809?

Jean Lamarck's theory of evolution is known as zoological philosophy or the inheritance of acquired characteristics, and stated that changes to an organisms phenotype (basically what it looks like) will cause changes to it's genotype (DNA). This has been disproved of by modern scientists, with natural selection as the main theory.

Which describes Lamarck's explanation for changes in the fossil record?

Lamarck's explanation of evolution is based on two principles: use and disuse and the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Lamarck's "use and disuse" principle explained his belief that the body parts that are commonly used become larger and stronger such as a giraffe's neck, while those that are not used deteriorate and become smaller. He also believed that an organism could pass these modifications to its offspring through the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Thus, Lamarck thought that evolution is driven by the innate drive of organisms to become more complex. Although he was later proven wrong, he was insightful in observing and recognizing that gradual evolutionary change does exist.

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Jean-baptiste lamarck proposed that organisms have what?

he proposed the organisms pass on "acquired characteristics" such as playing the piano.

Who is the scientist that proved that acquired characteristics are not inherited?

Jean-Baptist Lamarck, French naturalist

Acquired characteristics lead to evolution?

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What was the difference of Lanmark and Darwin's theory of evolution?

Darwin believed that organisms evolved due to natural selection. Whereas Lanmark suggested that the characteristics acquired during an organisms life i.e. academic ability, could be passed to the next generation.

Lemarck's ideas of evolution are known as the inheritance of acquired characteristics what was incorrect about his theory of how organisms evolve?

lemarck ideas of evolution are known as the inheritance of acquire characteristic what was incorrect about his theory of how organisms evole

How do organisms change over time?

The evolution of a organism depends on what type of organism it is

Does acquired characteristics lead to evolution?

No, acquired characteristics, such as building muscles through exercise, can not be passed onto the progeny and thus allele can not change over time in populations from acquired characteristics. The are not " hard " heritability.

What are the differences of evolution and theory of evolution?

Larmark's theory was based on the idea that organisms inherited characteristics that they had acquired in life - so, if you have a scar your offspring will have scars. Darwin's theory assumed that offspring inherited characteristics from their parents, but they were more likely to survive to breed if there was advantage to those characteristics.

What are inherited trait that are passed down by your parents are?

Characteristics passed on from your parents to you are called inherited characteristics. Those which were not inherited are called acquired characteristics. Those are the two possibilities. Characteristics can be either inherited or acquired.

What means lamarckism?

Lamarck give the idea that an organism can pass on their characteristics that it have acquired during its lifetime to its offspring. Also known as heritability of acquired characteristics.

Why do you now know that inheritance of acquired characteristics is not valid?

Experiments have been done to verify inheritance of acquired characteristics, and results unanimously show that it is false.