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On plantations in southern colonies

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Q: Chattel slavery was first used in the New World by the?
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Chattel slavery was used for what?

On plantations in southern colonies.

Where was chattel slavery used?

On plantations in southern colonies.

Is Chattel slavery is the term used to describe when a slave is treated a?

Chattel slaves are individuals treated as complete property, to be bought and sold.

Who used the Chattel slavery?

ap-ex sex porn violence hahaha

What Term Is Used To describe type of slavery Where a slave is Treated as a piece of property?

D) chattel -> APEX! (:

Slavery is the term used to describe when a slave is treated as?

Chattel slaves are individuals treated as complete property, to be bought and sold.

What are chattels considered by law?

The term 'chattel' is used in the legal system. A chattel would be a word used to denote the presence of goods or personality. One can learn more about the legal system at the official Lawyers website.

What were the places for slavery?

Every primitive culture has utilized slavery to some extent. If the power of human muscles can be economically controlled, slavery will exist. When other power sources are more economical, slavery will diminish in importance. James Watt may have been the world's most influential person in terms of reducing slavery.Slavery was widely used in China and Egypt, in Persia, Rome, and the Aztec and Inca empires in central America. It is most notorious, perhaps, in the chattel slavery of Africans who were purchased from African warlords in Africa and imported into the Americas as agricultural workers in the English colonies in North America, and in the Caribbean Islands of Jamaica and Hispaniola.The only parts of the world in which slavery continues to be employed (other than in convict or political prisoners) are in Africa and the Middle East.

What are things owned called?

Property and chattel are two terms that are commonly used.

How can slavery be used in a sentence?

The use of slavery greatly contributed to western civilizations rise in power. Slavery thought by many to have ended still exists today in the modern world through the exploitation of children and women

Slavery in Ireland?

Slavery was never used in ireland.

Is slavery still allowed?

Slaves are still used in some parts of the world, but it is illegal under international law.