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Q: Chemical reaction of conversion of chloroform into acetone?
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How do you make chloroform from bleaching powder?

BY HALOFORM TEST Acetone gets oxidized by bleaching powder. Chloroform is one of the products of the reaction.

Chemical equation for the reaction of acetone and acidified potassium dichromate?

acetone does not react with potassium dichromate

Why do mixtures of acetone and chloroform exhibit significant negative deviations from Raoult's law?

This is because chloroform can hydrogen bond with acetone

Is chloroform soluble in acetone?


What is the reaction of polystyrene and acetone?

The mixture of Polystyrene and Acetone results in the creation of a sticky residue as the Polystyrene beads dissolve into the Acetone. You can use Nail polish remover with Acetone. However, the chemical reaction occurs at a much more rapid pace with pure Acetone.

How do you make chloroform without acetone?

You can't

Will acetone bond plastic?

yes, some plastics will bond with the use of acetone, the chemical reaction causes the plastic components bond

Is Acetone a physical property or chemical property?

Acetone is a chemical. It has both chemical and physical properties.

What type of reaction is acetone reacted with triiodomethane?

An iodoform reaction is the type of reaction when acetone reacts with triiodomethane.

How do you prepare chloral?

by addition of chloroform to acetone with KOH maintaining temp -5degree celsius

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What is the value of enthalphy of heat of solution of chloroform in acetone?

Yes they soluble together. But they are nor reacting.