

Chemistry on money making

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How was chemistry involved in the making of the nuclear bomb?

Chemistry of conventional explosives used.Uranium chemistry for making yellowcake, hex, etc.Plutonium chemistry for separating it from chopped up fuel pellets.Electroplating chemistry for coating Uranium and Plutonium with Nickel.etc.

Is making sugar crystals chemistry?

no, sugar crystals are earth science. Chemistry is physical science.

Why chemistry is relate to wine alcohol?

The wine alcohol is related to chemistry, because one of the chemicals in organic chemistry is used in making it:ethanol.

What kind of chemistry deals with explosions?

All kinds of chemistry go into making explosives and explosions, including organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, analytical chemistry... really all kinds! Almost all explosives are made by some type of chemistry!

Msc in abroad chemistry?

Yes, it is possible if you have money.

Is making a light bulb circuit chemistry?

It can be, but it is mostly physics.

How is chemistry related with physics?

Chemistry is related with physics in some electrochemical processes.e.g making some electrochemical cells such as lemon battery

Do doctors need biochemistry or just chemistry?

They should have taken inorganic, organic, and biochemistry.

What is the need for synthetic inorganic chemistry?

Inorganic chemistry would include electrochemistry, making batteries, and metallurgy, making alloys that can withstand high temperatures, jet engine fan blades ET etc.

What is the branch of chemistry concerned with beer and wine making?

Oenology is the term for wine making. For beers the term is brewing.

How maths terms combination and permutation apply in chemistry?

The Maths terms combination and permutation apply in chemistry when making the expected industrial calculation.

Conclusion of chemistry in society and industry?

Not many people know that chemistry is vital to our day to day lives. Chemistry is what helps businesses earn money and what helps the world go around.