

Can a puppy have raw chicken bones?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Yes, with caution.

On raw food in general: A lot of people, and with considerable support, believe that raw food entirely is best for dogs, ie. canines. That includes raw chicken bones. NOT COOKED CHICKEN BONES!

They call the diet: "BARF". (No need to go into shock over the word; it stands for "Bones And Raw Food". It is not a catch word for regurgitation at being offended, annoyed or just because you consider somebody else lame...for sure!)

Many responsible people who just spend fortunes on canine heath care, and canines, and doggie lifestyles, and working-dog employment, and companion dogs, and not just on account of diet, but also other factors, such as hip dysplasia and dental care, aging, internal and external parasites control, behaviour modification, and socialization so they can live in the same house without totally trashing it, tend to agree with some of the explanations and notions about dog diet. For sure, the diet more nearly fits their evolutionary background. Sort of like it would be best for relatively hairless bipeds to eat more vegetables, drink more water, and run more...that fits their evolutionary background, too.

Dogs are carnivores, and digest raw meat and bones easily.

Cooked vs. Uncooked chicken bones: One suggests that the first answer has a bit of confusion between COOKED chicken bones which do splinter, and are nearly impossible for the dog to digest easly, and can penatrate the bowels, and just about everything else. Bones alone tend to compact in the lower colon. These animal are mammals. Digging lumps of desicated and compacted colon crap from a dog is neither fun for the dog nor the human.

That is simply not the usual results from raw chicken bones, draped in raw chicken flesh. Constipation is a very bad doggy trip; however, a balanced diet of the whole animal goes a long way to decrease the possibility of the problem.

So, the first answer is interesting and seems to follow the culture promoted by dog food manufactures; in that sense it is conventional wisdom, but it is probabally incorrect: like all dog diets and human diets, you just have to think about what you are trying to do with the animal if you are the one doing the feeding.

Find a single example, with competent observation and recording which shows that dogs have intestinal injuries from raw poultry bones, when the bones are coated with flesh and/or feathers. (It might happen, but there's just not a very good record.)

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Q: Can a puppy have raw chicken bones?
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