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epiglottis and i know why you need the question ;) ghms

Haha :O . I know too ;D

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Q: Choking on food can happen when the blank does not work properly?
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How might choking occur?

Choking occurs when a piece of food or some other object gets stuck in the airway. Chicken, fish bones, and pieces of meat that have not been chewed properly get stuck in the throat easily. If you have been drinking alochol, you risk of choking is even greater because you may have been careless about chewing food well. Thanks for asking.

What is the precaution for choking for adults?

The precaution for choking for adults is the same as it is for children. To prevent choking thoroughly chew food.

Why do children require supervision while eating and drinking?

Younger children (ages 5 and below) may not chew food properly and choke. Choking is often silent.

Can bulimia cause acid reflux and problems with choking on food?

I have acid reflux and yes it does cause some choking...if food comes up and you swallow, you may end up choking on this partially digested food. Also, i sometimes wake up just choking on hot air.

What would happen to your body without bacteria?

You would not be able to digest your food properly.

Can choking on food cause fainting?

yes it can.

Why are olives an adult food?

choking hazard?

When you cant breath because you are choking what is this called?

It's called your choking! It means the food is stuck in your windpipe!

What will happen if don't digest food properly?

Its my cause diet, because there is no nutries that will flow into our body

At least once a day I have food or liquid enter my trachia which causes a severe choking reaction what could cause this?

Does it happen while you are eating and drinking? Or is it reflux from your stomach?

How is choking normally prevented?

By completely chewing your food.