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Q: Choose all the statements that are correct about machines. A. The output force is the force the machine puts on an object. B. Machines can increase the total work done. C. A machine increases the amou?
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Simple machines increase mechanical advantage.

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Do machines increase or decrease work?

they increase productivity but decrease jobs

What happens to the economy when the economy's capital stock increases?

Supposing that with capital you mean physical capital (all kind of physical investments like machines, and so on), it tends to increase the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but increases in capital along time lead to lower increases in GDP.This is known in economics as the diminishing marginal returns.

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CV machines like treadmill

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What are the damage of friction?

All energy ultimately ends up as heat, thus, all physical processes' ultimate 'waste' products is heat Friction always creates heat, and an increase in friction always creates an increase in (waste) heat...remember Second Law of Thermodynamics, right? Thus: Friction increase increases heat; increases waste and thereby decreases efficiency, without even considering the damage that the increased heat can create

Where is the extra distance put when using a simple machines?

on my homework I put that it increases the force

What machines that create unusable energy?

Is the question 'What machines create unusable energy?' All machines create unusable energy because entropy increases; 'You can't break even. '(C P Snow).

Do machines increase distance over which force acts?

yes :D

What mechanical device increases output distance of force?

simple machines ;) credit by Airborn1 XD