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Q: Choose the best description of a magnetic field line A Magnetic field lines for a bar magnet are parallel to the magnet B A magnetic field line shows the direction a compass needle would?
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What do you mean by uniform and non uniform magnetic fields?

In a uniform magnetic field the imaginary magnetic lines of force are parallel to each other. But in case of non uniform they are not parallel

What direction does a compass needle point if a current carrying wire is wrapped around it?

The compass needle aligns itself parallel to the direction of the lines of magnetic force where it happens to be. It does not 'point to a particular pole' for that is beyond the sensibility of a simple bar of metal. I repeat, it aligns itself parallel to the lines of magnetic force ...

What type of magnetic field lines represent uniform magnetic field?

straight parallel lines

What is a magenetic field?

Magnetic field is the region where a magnetic material such as iron is getting influenced. When current flows through a conductor then magnetic field is created around it. Michael Faraday introduces the magnetic lines of force which are imaginary lines. These start from north pole and end at south pole. North and south poles cannot be isolated from one another. When we bring a small magnetic needle in a magnetic field it will be aligned in the direction of the magnetic field with its north-south poles parallel to the magnetic lines of force.

Can a charged particle moved through a magnetic field without experiencing any force?

If the motion of the particle is parallel to the direction of the field, then the force on the particle will be zero. This is an unstable condition, though. Even the slightest deviation from parallel will give a tiny force to the particle, which nudges it farther away from the parallel direction.

Related questions

When magnetic flux through surface is maximum?

Magnetic flux through a surface is maximum when the direction of the magnetic field is in the same direction as the normal vector of the surface. In other words, the magnetic flux is maximum when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the surface area. That's why φ=BAcosθ, where θ is the angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the normal vector of the surface area. When the magnetic field is exactly the same direction as the normal vector (aka the magnetic field is perpendicular to the surface), θ=0 and cosθ = 1, its maximum value. The closer θ is to 90 degrees (ie. the more parallel the direction of the magnetic field is to the surface area, or the less parallel the magnetic field is to the surfaces normal vector), the smaller cosθ is, and thus flux will decrease accordingly.

What do you mean by uniform and non uniform magnetic fields?

In a uniform magnetic field the imaginary magnetic lines of force are parallel to each other. But in case of non uniform they are not parallel

What direction does a compass needle point if a current carrying wire is wrapped around it?

The compass needle aligns itself parallel to the direction of the lines of magnetic force where it happens to be. It does not 'point to a particular pole' for that is beyond the sensibility of a simple bar of metal. I repeat, it aligns itself parallel to the lines of magnetic force ...

Which aspect of magnetic reversal provides evidence of continental drift?

Periodically, the magnetic field of the earth reverses polarity. The direction of the magnetic field is recorded in the magnetic properties of rocks when they are erupted. Rocks are being continuously added at sea floor spreading regions, and thus the magnetic reversals are recorded as pairs of parallel 'stripes' alongside the mid ocean spreading ridge.

What type of magnetic field lines represent uniform magnetic field?

straight parallel lines

What is a magenetic field?

Magnetic field is the region where a magnetic material such as iron is getting influenced. When current flows through a conductor then magnetic field is created around it. Michael Faraday introduces the magnetic lines of force which are imaginary lines. These start from north pole and end at south pole. North and south poles cannot be isolated from one another. When we bring a small magnetic needle in a magnetic field it will be aligned in the direction of the magnetic field with its north-south poles parallel to the magnetic lines of force.

Can a charged particle moved through a magnetic field without experiencing any force?

If the motion of the particle is parallel to the direction of the field, then the force on the particle will be zero. This is an unstable condition, though. Even the slightest deviation from parallel will give a tiny force to the particle, which nudges it farther away from the parallel direction.

Is it true when magnitic minerals grains in a rock form they become magnetized in the direction parallel to earth existing magnetic field?


What is the right direction we have to follow while sleeping in order to nullify earth's magnetic field?

You are supposed to sleep keeping your head parallel to the North and South magnetic poles - which roughly translates to East west . This will nullify the magnetic pull on your blood ..again this is a belief - I do not have scientific papers to prove this.

How do magnetic bands provide evidence that tectonic plates are moving apart at mid-oceanic ridges?

Through seafloor-spreading as iron rich minerals cool they become magnetized in the direction parallel to the existing magnetic field. As the magnetic fields change direction so will the magnetized minerals, allowing scientists to record each change in the seafloor as it spreads.

How many norths are there?

There are three norths: true north, magnetic north and grid north. According to, the three norths are defined as follows: Grid North: the direction of a grid line which is parallel to the central meridian on the National Grid. True North: the direction of a meridian of longitude which converges on the North Pole. Magnetic North: the direction indicated by a magnetic compass. Magnetic North moves slowly with a variable rate and currently is west of Grid North in Great Britain.

Why does the current carrying conductor experiences a force when it is placed in magnetic field state Fleming's left hand rule?

The force on current carrying conductor kept in a magnetic field is given by the expression F = B I L sin@ So the force becomes zero when the current carrying conductor is kept parallel to the magnetic field direction and becomes maximum when the current direction is normal to the magnetic field direction. Ok now why does a force exist on the current carrying conductor? As current flows through a conductor magnetic lines are formed aroung the conductor. This magnetic field gets interaction with the external field and so a force comes into the scene.