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Q: Church where many Medici rulers are buried in Florence?
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Why was the Medici family so important?

The Medici family was a very wealthy family during the 12th and 13th centuries. They were part of the patrician class but amassed their wealth through banking and commerce. They had a huge political influence and helped to contribute the arts and sciences.

What role did the medici family play in florence during the renaissance?

The Medici family was the wealthiest family in Florence. They developed their wealth through textile trade then helped to develop the economy by opening the Medici bank. The Medici bank used a credit/debit system that allowed more people to enter the merchant business and allowed for the post-plague economy to rebuild.

Where were Mayan rulers buried?

They buried them under the houses...aka their rooms

Where did egyptians bury their nobility and royalty in?

They buried the kings and rulers in pyramids.

When did Michelangelo work for the Medici family?

Michelangelo Buonarroti, who became known by his first name alone, was probably the greatest artist of the European Renaissance. The Medici were the greatest and richest family of his native Florence and patrons of self-indulgent art. Their histories are intertwined, but there was tremendous tension between them until Michelangelo left his home and the Medici for the last three decades of his life. Michelango was invited at age 14 by Lorenzo de Medici to attend his private art school.Three years later, Lorenzo died and Michelangelo lost the financial backing and social favor of the Medici family. Two years later he was invited back to court on a commission from Pierro de Medici. But that same year the Medicis were ousted as rulers of Florence under French pressure. Michelangelo fled, but returned within a year after Florence stabilized. But the only commissions offered him came from the Medici family. One work was sold to a Vatican official, who was so impressed he invited Michelangelo, now 21, to Rome. He moved between Rome and Florence until newly elected Pope Julius II gave Michelangelo his first papal commission in 1505. That led to a job in 1508 to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which he completed in 1512. But Julius died in 1513, and was succeeded by Leo X of the Medici family. The two clashed as Michelangelo was commissioned to build a new facade for the basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence, then was frustrated at every turn of the still-unfinished project before the cash-strapped family cancelled it after three years. Amazingly, the family soon thereafter rehired Michelangelo to build a family funerary chapel in San Lorenzo. This was completed, but only by Michelangelo's assistants after his final break with the family. A public uprising in 1527 ousted the ducal Medicis, and a republic was reinstalled. When the Medici returned to besiege the city, Michelangelo stopped work on their chapel and began work strengthening the city's defenses against them. But the city fell and the Medici were reinstated in 1530. Michelangelo was completely out of favor with and for the Medici, and left Florence for good until his body was exhumed in Rome and he was re-interred -- according to his wishes -- in his native city.

Related questions

Who were the rulers of Florence during the early Renaissance?

The Medici family controlled Florence during the Renaissance!

Why did Savonarola criticize the Church and the rulers of Florence?

for the fun and amusement of him self and others

Why was the Medici family so important?

The Medici family was a very wealthy family during the 12th and 13th centuries. They were part of the patrician class but amassed their wealth through banking and commerce. They had a huge political influence and helped to contribute the arts and sciences.

What role did the medici family play in florence during the renaissance?

The Medici family was the wealthiest family in Florence. They developed their wealth through textile trade then helped to develop the economy by opening the Medici bank. The Medici bank used a credit/debit system that allowed more people to enter the merchant business and allowed for the post-plague economy to rebuild.

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Who were the church rulers and what influence did they have on the society?

What happened to Savonarola and the Medici family?

Since the family controlled the entire Florence, their family fortune was close to something like 650 billion dollars. After Lorenzo died, the fortune was lost forever by other rulers and kings. Since the family controlled the entire Florence, their family fortune was close to something like 650 billion dollars. After Lorenzo died, the fortune was lost forever by other rulers and kings.

Where were Mayan rulers buried?

They buried them under the houses...aka their rooms

What was the territory for the rulers of Florence and Tuscany created by the pope in 1569?

Grand Duchy.

What is the valley where graves of many Egyptian rulers were buried?

Valley of the Kings

Where did egyptians bury their nobility and royalty in?

They buried the kings and rulers in pyramids.

When did Michelangelo work for the Medici family?

Michelangelo Buonarroti, who became known by his first name alone, was probably the greatest artist of the European Renaissance. The Medici were the greatest and richest family of his native Florence and patrons of self-indulgent art. Their histories are intertwined, but there was tremendous tension between them until Michelangelo left his home and the Medici for the last three decades of his life. Michelango was invited at age 14 by Lorenzo de Medici to attend his private art school.Three years later, Lorenzo died and Michelangelo lost the financial backing and social favor of the Medici family. Two years later he was invited back to court on a commission from Pierro de Medici. But that same year the Medicis were ousted as rulers of Florence under French pressure. Michelangelo fled, but returned within a year after Florence stabilized. But the only commissions offered him came from the Medici family. One work was sold to a Vatican official, who was so impressed he invited Michelangelo, now 21, to Rome. He moved between Rome and Florence until newly elected Pope Julius II gave Michelangelo his first papal commission in 1505. That led to a job in 1508 to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which he completed in 1512. But Julius died in 1513, and was succeeded by Leo X of the Medici family. The two clashed as Michelangelo was commissioned to build a new facade for the basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence, then was frustrated at every turn of the still-unfinished project before the cash-strapped family cancelled it after three years. Amazingly, the family soon thereafter rehired Michelangelo to build a family funerary chapel in San Lorenzo. This was completed, but only by Michelangelo's assistants after his final break with the family. A public uprising in 1527 ousted the ducal Medicis, and a republic was reinstalled. When the Medici returned to besiege the city, Michelangelo stopped work on their chapel and began work strengthening the city's defenses against them. But the city fell and the Medici were reinstated in 1530. Michelangelo was completely out of favor with and for the Medici, and left Florence for good until his body was exhumed in Rome and he was re-interred -- according to his wishes -- in his native city.

Should church leaders be political rulers?

No, it should not.