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If the question is what is the waveform for 2 Mhz, then 500nS is the answer (equasion used is f=1/t)

If the question is what is the waveform for 2mHz, then 500 S is the answer.

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Q: Clock waveform whose frequency is 2MHz?
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What is the period of a wave whose frequency is 2MHz?

The period of a wave is the reciprocal of its frequency. Therefore, for a wave with a frequency of 2MHz, the period would be 1/(2x10^6) seconds, which is equal to 0.5 microseconds.

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The waves with a 2MHz frequency would have a longer wavelength compared to those with a 56 Hz frequency. Wavelength and frequency are inversely related according to the equation: wavelength = speed of light / frequency. Since the speed of light is constant, higher frequency waves have shorter wavelengths.

Which wave would have a longer wave length 56Hz or 2MHz?

A 2MHz wave would have a longer wavelength than a 56Hz wave. This is because wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional - higher frequency waves have shorter wavelengths and lower frequency waves have longer wavelengths.

The higher the bus clock speed the slower the transmission of data?

Absolutely not. A 2MHz 8-bit bus can transfer 2MB per second; a 4MHz 8-bit bus can transfer 4MB per second.

What are some high frequency waves?

Some examples of high frequency waves include gamma rays, X-rays, and ultraviolet light. These waves have short wavelengths and high energy levels, making them useful in various applications such as medical imaging, sterilization, and communication technologies.

What is the prefix for ultrasound?

There are several different types of sound waves, and the prefix 'ultra' in this sense refers to a sound wave being above 20,000 Hertz. Diagnostic medical sonography is 2MHz (2 million Hertz) or above. See also infrasound and acoustic sound waves. The abbreviation, on the other hand, is frequently cited as U/S.

How many signal levels are required when the bandwidth is 2MHz and signal to noise ratio is 8 dB?

Use Nyquist and Shannon Heartly theorem to solve this Nyquist theorem says that Channel Capacity C = 2 * Bandwidth * log2 (Number of Signal levels) Shannon Heartly theorem says that Channel Capacity C = Bandwidth * log2( 1 + SNR) Important points to consider while solving Bandwidth is expressed in Hz SNR is expressed in dB it must be converted using dB value = 10 log10(SNR) (10 dB = 10, 20 dB = 100, 30 dB = 1000 etc..)

How 8085 timing diagram works based on each instruction?

Each instruction requires specific time for the execution of instruction and this time is called instruction cycle. Each instruction cycle consists 1 to 5 machine cycle -- opcode fetch, memory read, memory write, IO read, IO write and each machine cycle consist 3 to 6 T - states. Time required to execute 1 T-state = 1/ operating frequency of 8085 Microprocessor for example operating frequency = 2MHz then time required to execute 1 T-state = 0.5 uSec example: Calculate time required to execute instruction MOV C, A sol: This instruction has one machine cycle i.e. opcode fetch (In any instruction 1st cycle is always opcode fetch and opcode fetch consists 4 to 6 T state depend on the operation of particular instruction) so to execute MOV C, A required 4T states so time required to execute this instruction is 4*0.5usec = 2usec any other queries pls contect: example:Calculate the time required to execute LXI H,2000H sol:Here we have to draw opcode fetch and two memory reads as two bytes 00H and 20H have to be read from memory. i.e, opcode fetch+Memory reads *2(bytes address) =4+3+3 so to execute LXI H,2000H,the required T-states is 10T and time is 10*0.5usec=5usec

You can hear placenta but not heartbeat 13 weeks pregnant?

This may not be a good sign, or the baby could be in a position that is hard to hear. Ask for an ultrasound right away also go in for another test to hear the heartbeat in the meantime, also think about whether or not you have felt any movements yet. There is a chance that the baby's heart may have stopped and you have not miscarried on your own. But do not get too worried yet, remember that you are in control of your visits and demand an ultrasound right away. Good luck.

How do you overclock your motherboard?

There are several methods that people have used to overclock their processors:1. Crystal Oscillator - A crystal oscillator is a small electronic component that generates a steady clock signal, expressed in MHz or KHz (ex. 27.1432 MHz) or. By replacing the clock signal with one that generates a higher clock (ex. 29.7265 MHz), you would make your processor also run faster. Although still possible, this method is more awkward on modern motherboards, because of the high internal multipliers and numerous buses running at lower speeds (curse you, PCI!). This method is still useful on many game consoles and portable devices, however.2. Adjusting Front Side Bus speed (jumpers) - The processor always runs at a multiple of the Front Side Bus (FSB) speed. By increasing the FSB speed, the internal speed of the processor would also be increased. For instance, if the FSB speed is at 66 Mhz, and the multiplier is 3, the processor runs at 200 MHz. If the FSB is increased to 100 MHz, the processor will run at 300 MHz. This method has been largely replaced by doing it in the BIOS, since after the Socket 7 era.3. Adjusting CPU multipliers (jumpers) - Adjuisting the multipliers for the CPU was a slightly easier and more reliable way to overclock, since it did not stress any other components, such as PCI or ISA. If the FSB was at 66 MHz, and the multiplier was at 3, the processor would run at 200 MHz. If the multiplier was changed to 4.5, the processor would run at 300 MHz. Intel locked the multipliers on all their processors after the Socket 7 era.4. Adjusting Front Side Bus speed (BIOS) - Starting with the Pentium II era, Intel processor were multiplier-locked. The only method to increase the processor speed was to increase the FSB speed. This could be done in the BIOS of many non-OEM (ASUS, Abit, Tyan, DFI, and not Gateway, HP, Dell, or Acer) motherboards. Although it stressed the other buses slightly doing so, the higher multipliers in processors made even a small increase in FSB speed a large boost in clock speed. This method is still commonly used today.5. Adjusting CPU multipliers (BIOS) - AMD left their multipliers unlocked for a long period of time. Even when they began locking them, they left them in a way that was easily unlocked again. Jumpers on the motherboard were replaced with settings in the BIOS. This method is not common today, although AMD still has some unlocked CPUs, and even Intel has begun unlocking their high-end enthusiast (Extreme) chips again.6. Adjusting Front Side Bus (software) - The FSB speed, along with the other buses, is controlled nowadays by a chip known as a PLL. The crystal oscillator still exists, but it primarily serves as a reference clock signal for the PLL. The PLL is more often controlled through the BIOS, but special programs running in Windows are also available. This method is the only overclocking option available for many OEM motherboards (though some may still not work through this method). You will first have to reboot you computer into the BIOS ( usually by pressing the Delete key during start up). go to the Frequency Voltage control menu, find the entry called CPU FSB Clock, and increase it by the smallest amount possible (2MHz is usually a reasonable increment). Don't get impatient and try for a large jump, you'll have only yourself to blame if you fry a very expensive chip. Finally, save the settings and reboot your PC. Be aware that increasing the speed of the front-side bus also increases the speed of your system RAM, which could prove the limiting factor.There are many ways to overclock, and there are a lot of resources available on the Internet. With that said, it is possible to overclock a device through utilities, possibly through human ingenuity, (for example, the pencil trick for computer motherboards) and much more.