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Q: Closed circulatory system of a earthworm?
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Is the Circulatory system closed in an earthworm?

Yes it has a closed circulatory system

What type of circulatory system do earthworm have?

earthworms have a closed circulatory system

What is a major difference between the circulatory of a grasshopper and that of an earthworm?

Grasshoppers have an open circulatory system, and worms have a closed circulatory system. There you go. :)

Why does the earthworm have a closed circulatory system?

The earthworm like many more complex organisms has a closed circulatory system, meaning that its blood is confined to blood vessels and its blood is recirculated so it gets maximum use

Why does an earthworm have an open or closed circulatory system?

Earthworms have a closed circulatory system. Blood is pumped throughout its body by ringed blood vessels. An open circulatory system is not contained in vessels. In a closed circulatory system oxygen is carried in blood! hope this helps=)

How do earthworms circulate blood?

an earthworm has a closed circulatory system ........ I've searched it :)

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Amphibians have closed circulatory system Closed

What is the circulatory system in the monkeys body?

closed circulatory system (double circulatory system)

Does the earthworm have a closed circulatory system?

Yes it does. Its only one big vein though. The vein is called Dorsal Blood vessal.

Do earthworms have a closed or open circulatory system?

closed circulatory system

What kind of circulatory system does a sea otter have?

Sea otters have a closed circulatory system.

Do platypuses have an open or closed circulatory system?

Platypuses have a closed circulatory system.