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Q: Closure of the epiphyseal plate stops all bone growth?
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Do you grow when you get sick?

Yes, of course you grow,exept if you get a sickness that stops your growth.(growth continues naturally)

Agent that slows or stops the growth of bacteria?

Antibiotics inhibit the growth of bacteria.

When do bones stop growing?

Bone can grow in a number of ways, appositional growth and endochondral growth being the primary ways affecting height. In 'long' bones it is endochondral growth which will determine the length of a bone, which inevitably effects a persons height. At both ends of a long bone there is an epiphyseal plate, which is a layer of cartilage separating the epiphysis (end) from the diaphysis (shaft). This epiphyseal plate is what allows the bone to grow in length (endochondrial growth). This layer of cartilage is continuously growing and expanding, as new cartilage is formed nearest the diaphysis the old cells are ossified (turned to bone), and this process is what makes our long bones grow. The two main effectors of bone growth are nutrition and hormones. Nutrition is important for providing your body with the necessary energy, nutrients, vitamins and minerals to continue growing. In times of illness or malnutrition children can show signs of arrested growth, which is a line of increased bone density caused by a period of slow growth. Hormones are obviously vital for bone growth, growth hormone, thyroid hormone, and sex hormones are all vital for normal bone growth, these hormones can also be effected by diet. Females tend to stop growing earlier than males due to an increase in estrogen levels. Bone growth will cease when the epiphyseal plate becomes completely ossified. Now if you happen to fracture a long bone at a young age then there could be some complications, especially if the fracture occurs at the epiphyseal plate. A break at the epiphyseal plate will result in damage to the cartilage which can interfere with the growth of that particular bone. These injuries are quite common amongst children and often result in one arm or leg being shorter than the other. This can largely impact the entire balance of a persons body and distort the positioning of their back, all leading to possible future difficulties. Especially those spinal related. Back on topic. Now the forces generated with heavy weight lifting can be enormous, but it is highly unlikely that these pressures will have any significant effect on bone growth at all. If you do plan on avoiding resistance training for these reasons then it would be advised that you avoid physical activities all together, since the forces generated in jumping or running can be far greater than those of resistance training. There are no studies or evidence what so ever that show resistance training to have any effect on height, though many people still believe this myth without question. One common argument is the size of professional weightlifters, who are generally all of very short stature. This has nothing to do with their weightlifting or training, rather the process of natural selection. A 5"1 80kg person would have a large advantage over a 5"10 80kg person when it comes to professional powelifting. Why? Because the shorter person has much shorter levers, meaning they can generate more power and need to move the weight a shorter distance. These people are not short because they are professional weightlifter, they are professional weightlifters because they are short. In my opinion resistance training is often a great way to encourage growth when performed correctly, because participants are often interested in getting their diet and lifestyle in order aswell. If they do the proper research then I think they will have the knowledge to live a healthy lifestyle and grow to their fullest potential. It is sports like dancing, gymnastics and wrestling which can have a negative impact on height. This is due to the weight categories and calorie restricted diets put in place to encourage these athletes to stay small and light, which can have a huge impact on their development. Around your early 30's it should stop growing maybe even 20's.

What is it called when cell growth and division stops because the cells have run out of room?

Contact inhibition

What have scientists researched about the effect saltwater has on the growth of plants?

Scientist have discovered that the inner layer of tissue in the branching root is sensitive to salt and activate a stress hormone. This hormone stops root growth.

Related questions

What happens when the epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone?

When the epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone, then growth at that bone stops.

Difference between epiphyseal plate and epiphyseal line?

The epiphyseal plate is a cartilaginous structure at the end of long bones that is involved in bone growth during childhood and adolescence. Once growth stops, this cartilage is replaced by bone, forming the epiphyseal line. The epiphyseal plate allows bone growth, while the epiphyseal line indicates that growth has ceased.

What are the epiphyseal growth plates seen only in a growing bone?

Epiphyseal growth plates can be seen only in growing bones. Cell division from these plates lead to growth of bones. Once these plates are ossified, bone growth stops.

Do you stop to grow because of weightlifting if you started with 15?

No, growth of bones stops when the epiphyseal growth plates in bones undergo changes secondary to increased testosterone levels. The plates are cartilage surfaces at the ends of the bones.

What is a ephiphyseal line?

Epiphyseal line is the junction between diaphysis (long part of the bone) and epiphysis (growing end of the bone). This is the region where the growth of bone takes place. Gradually as an individual approaches puberty, the epiphysis fuses with the bone and the growth stops.

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Diaphyseal face, is the opposite of the Epiphyseal face and it is when the bones stops growing, cells starts to mature and degenerate.

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What age do your bones stop growing?

Human bone stops growing around age 17-20. The bones in our body start to close the growth plate when puberty starts on the body.

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