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Primary trigger secondary primer

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Q: Cluster bombs units consist of what 2 parts?
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What two parts consist of cluster bomb units?

The dispenser and the payload

Which type of bombs are primarily fragmentaion weapons that contain submunitions?

Cluster Bomblet Units (CBUs)

What are the base units of DNA and RNA?

The small units are called nucleotides, and they consist of three parts: a phosphate group deoxyribose and a nitrogen containing base

How many nuclear bombs does America own?

A bit over 3500 active units, with parts from a similar number of dismantled units that could be rebuilt relatively quickly if needed.

What does the engine consist of?

units perhaps

What do complex carbohydrate consist of repeated units of?

glucose units

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What atre the three parts of thecell theory?

There are three parts of the cell theory. These three things consist of the fact that cells are units of life, living things are made up of 1 or more cells, and all cells come from other living cells.

What unit of energy does light consist of?

The units of energy that light consists of is known as photons.

What are two parts of the abacus in Japanese?

units of 1 and units of five

Is a condominium considered cluster housing?

Cluster housing is apparently a design scheme for a group of houses. (See below.) A condominium is usually a building with multiple units, sometimes multiple buildings with multiple units. (See below.) Individual homes, even in a cluster layout, in a development where all owners share ownership of amenities, is usually belong in a home owners association (HOA).

What are allocated parts of a physical drive that are designated and managed as independent units?

Allocated parts of a physical drive that are designated and managed as independent units