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Yes. cmd.exe will allow you to execute shell commands and scripts, although you should consider using the newer Powershell instead if your version of Windows supports it.

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Q: Cmd.exe represents the Windows XP version of the command prompt?
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What is system32 cmdexe used for?

cmd.exe allows access to the Microsoft Windows Command Prompt, also known as Microsoft DOS. To-date, cmd.exe is a 32-bit command prompt used in Windows NT, 2000, and XP and offers disk and file maintenance functions to your computer as well as network functions.

What does a command prompt do?

I wrote a article on it. or just type help in it to get a list of possible commands, that's how I figured it out. I hope it helps answer your questions.

How do you use CMDEXE for sending messages?

Ok so to send a message using the cmd prompt Type at the c:\> prompt this to send to acomputer called barry: net send barry "hello" This will only work if you have the message service enabled on the computer receiving, this was was disable on Windows XP SP2 and later.

What is cmdexe doing and It is supposed to take more than 30 percent of CPU time?

cmd.exe is the command console supported by all Microsoft Windows operating systems, sometimes also (incorrectly) referred to as "the DOS box." It offers disk, file and general system maintenance functions to your computer, and can be used by experienced users to undertake some of these maintenance tasks very efficiently. The commands can be scripted in so-called "batch files," which allows the partial automation of complex or repetitive maintenance tasks. This program is a non-essential part of the system, but should not be terminated or removed.

How can you bypass a cmdexe lock?

run cmd as administrator click start, type cmd in the "run" or "search" dialog box. Right-click the "C:\ Cmd" icon and click "Run as administrator"