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I believe it is an off white color. It was suppose to be a simple meal with wooden/clay plates and cups.

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Q: Color of tablecloth in da vinci's the last supper painting?
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Do questions asking who, what, where, when. Show a painting of the Last Supper and talk about it. Discuss how the people are arranged in the painting and why, what is on the table, and what it means. At the end of the lesson give the children a color sheet of the Last Supper to color in and take home.

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If you are trying to complement a white lace tablecloth, classic napkins and table rings would be the best. I would suggest using any color besides white for these, so they will not get lost in the tablecloth. Pick napkins or rings with a little detail, but nothing too elaborate, or they will fight too much with the lace.

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In painting, the term Local color refers to the natural color of an object

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Paint Color Ideas?

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