

Last Supper

The last meal of Jesus Christ on the night before his crucifixion is referred to as The Last Supper. The event is commemorated in the rite of communion practiced by Christians.

551 Questions

What is the top 10 leading causes of death in China?

The top 10 leading causes of death in China include: 1. Ischemic heart disease 2. Stroke 3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 4. Lung cancer 5. Liver cancer 6. Lower respiratory infections 7. Alzheimer's disease and other dementias 8. Stomach cancer 9. Road injuries 10. Diabetes.

Bowl used at the last supper?

The bowl used at the Last Supper is traditionally believed to be the Holy Grail, the cup from which Jesus and his disciples drank during the Passover meal. The actual whereabouts of the Holy Grail are unknown and many consider it a symbol of divine grace and immortality.

Why lord's supper is important?

The "Lord's Supper" is another word for the "Passover". The Passover was the day that the children of Israel remember their deliverance from Egypt. God told everyone that He would pass through the land of Egypt and kill the firstborn in every house unless the household had the blood of a lamb on the door. The blood of the Lamb represented Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. Jesus was going to be the real passover, the lamb was just symbolic. The "Lord's Supper" was the last passover that was celebrated before Jesus actually died on the cross. It is important because it causes us to remember that Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, died for our sins so that we would have a way into heaven. Now, if we believe that Jesus is God, that he died on the cross for our sins and rose on the third day and we receive him as our God then he saves us. Our name is written in the Book of Life, our sins are covered by the blood of the Lamb and we are able to enter into heaven.

1 Corinthians 15:1 (KJV) Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

1 Corinthians 15:2 (KJV) By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:3 (KJV) For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

1 Corinthians 15:4 (KJV) And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Romans 10:9 (KJV) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

What is Mark's symbol?

it is an object or mark that shows places such as a gas station this is different from a line symboly, which is a line also used to represent objects , such as railway and road

How can the golden ratio be seen in the Last Supper?

It can been seen in the proportions and balance in the dimensions of the table which they all sat to the proportions of the walls and windows in the background. The golden ratio (1.61803) was all about proportion, balance, and beauty.

Who was the owner of the upper room where the Last Supper was held?

The Bible doesn't give his name (though some speculate it was Nicodemus):

Matthew 26:18-19New King James Version (NKJV)

18 And He said, "Go into the city to a certain man, and say to him, 'The Teacher says, "My time is at hand; I will keep the Passover at your house with My disciples."'"

19 So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them; and they prepared the Passover.

Who painted the picture of jesus and the last supper?

Leonardo Da Vinci was the original painter of the last supper which is famous around the world. Leonardo is also responsible for many other notable paintings including Mona Lisa.

What is focal point of the last supper?

The theme is the last meal, the Passover meal, that Jesus shared with his disciples before being arrested.

What was meant when Jesus instituted the New Covenant at the Last Supper?

If you view the New Covenant as a legal document proposing a law then that law has to take effect from a certain date. Jesus did this when He said at the Last Supper "this cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood." (Luke Ch.22) So the New Covenant came into effect when the cup was poured out at the Last Supper. The new covenant is not a mere renewal of the earlier covenant that the Israelites broke. No, indeed! For the apostle Paul writes to the Christians at Rome, saying: "You are not under law but under undeserved kindness." (Romans 6:14) It is really a new covenant, and it was to be expected that it would be a better one, for the Almighty God Jehovah is able to improve matters with regard to those whom he admits into the new covenant. For one thing, he raised up a better mediator, or go-between, in establishing the new covenant. This Mediator was no imperfect, sin-infected man like the prophet Moses. 8 The Law covenant mediated by means of the prophet Moses was good in itself. However, that covenant provided for the sacrifice of animals whose blood could never wash away human sins. So for Jehovah God to set up a better covenant, there would have to be a better mediator with a better sacrifice. This all-necessary Mediator proved to be Jesus Christ. Pointing out the superiority of this Mediator as compared to the prophet Moses, the Bible gives us the following explanation: "But now Jesus has obtained a more excellent public service, so that he is also the mediator of a correspondingly better covenant, which has been legally established upon better promises. . . . In his saying 'a new covenant' he has made the former one obsolete."-Hebrews 8:6, 13. --Excerpt from "Insight on the Scriptures"

Why is the last supper important to modern day Christians?

The Last Supper or Communion is supposed to be observed as a Memorial to our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself instructed his disciples to do this "in remembrance of Me". You can find this quote in the book of Luke , Chapter 22, verse 19. I must note that observing the Lords Supper is serious business and should be done in a totally respectful manner only to honor Christ Jesus. The Last Supper is important to Christians for what it commemorates - the suffering and death of their Lord and Saviour. Jesus began this practice 'on the night when He was betrayed,' in the shadow of the cross. In the same way Christians are to live in the shadow of their own personal cross and death to self just like their Master and Lord.

How many replicas of the last supper are?

There were 13 people at the last supper. 12 apostles and Jesus Christ.

How long was the Last Supper speech?

In luke the only chapter is chapter 22. it has a lot of verses in it though

What does the menorah symbolise?

The original menorah was of gold and stood in the Jewish Temple, as commanded in Exodus ch.25. It burned olive oil.

For the last 2200 years, another type of menorah is the ones that are lit during Hanukkah.

For most Jews, the centerpiece of Hanukkah is the Hanukkah-menorah, a nine-branched candelabrum, also sometimes called a Hanukkiah. As you look at a menorah, you will notice that one candle is set at a different level from the other eight. That one is called the Shammash, or helper candle. Jewish law states that the regular candles are for viewing and spreading the word of the miracle only, so the Shammash is used to light the others, and for any other purpose, such as for light to read by.

The menorah itself may be made in almost any manner - glass, aluminum or other metals. Menorahs may be sleek and contemporary, or flowery and ornate, and may incorporate decorations such as the Tree of Life.

The menorah should be placed in a manner that is as visible as possible to the public, to publicize the miracle of Hanukkah. Depending on custom, some families light the menorah in a doorway, or a window, or some other place that is highly visible.

What is The last supper name?

"The Last Supper" is a proper title in English for the event where Jesus celebrated the Pasch and inaugurated the New Law in the presence of his disciples on the eve of His death.

Other Catholic titles for this event include "The Lord's Supper" "Cena Domini" "The First Mass" "Holy Thursday"

Is the Last Supper in the old testament?

Last Supper is a passage in the Bible that describes the last meal Jesus had with his disciples before he was captured, tortured and killed. It is part of the New Testament, not the Old.

Anything that happened before Christ, is part of the Old Testament.

Anything that happened during Christ's life and beyond, is part of the New Testament.

Is the last supper the first mass?

Yes, it was the first mass and Jesus conducted it with his apostles.

Why is The Last Supper By Leonardo da Vinci significant?

Actually, the Last Supper was a common theme at the time.

[It portrays the famous speech made by Jesus Christ when he told his prediction that one of his closest men (Judas) would betray him.]

The reason Leonardo's painting really became famous is that it was painted on a wall in what was then the dining hall of a monastery and Leonardo showed Jesus and the disciples sitting among the other diners, sort of like the head table. He showed the actual everyday plates, cups, and linens that the monks were using then, putting Jesus in the same place-- doing the same things-- as the monks, which was unique. Elsewhere, Jesus was shown as separate or living in a distant land, elevated from the common people.

Why was the painting the last supper painted?

He was paid to paint the painting by the Duke of Milan and the Duke chose the theme of the painting. It took him 4 years to paint and the Duke was very lucky it was finished. Da Vinci was known for not finishing projects.

What is in the cup at the last supper?

Wine (Jesus' Blood)

It's disputed. Catholics and most orthodox churches believe that it was wine transformed into blood, whereas other Christians insist it is only symbolic of Jesus' blood.

Is there a lady included in the last supper painting?

No, only Jesus and his Apostles were at the Last Supper. If by 'Last Supper' you mean the famous fresco by da Vinci, there is not a girl or woman in that painting either. This seems to be a common misconception since the work of fiction by Dan Brown, and movie 'The da Vinci Code'.

What commandment did Jesus give us during the last supper?

According to the Christian Theology I studied at Northwest Nazarene University, it was; "a promise, of a better life, in that his spirit would always be with us, and a covenant of remembrance of the sacrifice he would make (die on the cross)" The last supper is significant to Christian Theology, because it is seen as God's final covenant. God's first covenant, was his promise that he would not destroy the world again, which he symbolized in the form of a rainbow. The reason there is a rainbow after it rains, is because that is God reminding everyone "don't worry, I won't kill you with this......" The second covenant, was chosing the Hebrew people, to be his "chosen people" although this is a mistranslation. The purpose of the Hebrew people, is basically breeding stock. Judaism 101; You will note that in the book of Genesis, special attention is given, to the lineage following Adam. It says "And Adam had other sons and daughters, but then he begat Seth..." and then it would say "and Seth had other sons and daughters, but then he bega...." and so on and so forth, until you get to Noah. From Noah, it follows the same pattern, to establish that the "other nations" branched off, but then it re-establishes that bloodline, going back to Adam, finally getting to Abram, later renamed Abraham. Why is this important to Judaism? Because, of all peoples on this earth, the Hebrew people, the true, genetically unmixed Hebrew people, are the people on this earth MOST like the first man, and AMONG the Hebrew people, only ONE man, is identical to Adam himself. According to Jewish belief, the last man of that bloodline, is the Messiah, he will signal the end of the world, because, as Adam was there at the world's birth, the Messiah will be there, when all known history ends. What I mean by "breeding" stock is, is that the Hebrew people are there to ensure, that bloodline will not die out. In other words, all those ashkenazi Jewish women who bred with all those Europeans, if THAT is TRULY all that is left of the Hebrews then, according to Jewish religion, the world is doomed. It takes more than just maternal ancestry, to be Hebrew, both sides of your family need to be. Also, the motivation of keeping the blood pure, or at least largely clean, is not rooted in racism, because, is it racism, to preserve the blood of the first man? The father of the human race? Do not the people, most like the first man, reserve the right to chose who gets to convert into the religion? See though, according to ancient Hebrew practice, you could not simply pimp out your daughter to this powerful monarch or that, it had to be a man of outstanding moral character and, see, far from breeding with the best Europeans, ashkenazi Jewry often bred with the worst of them. Mostly, powerful men, wealthy men, but, men prone to arrogance, and great cruelty. If the ashkenazi had bred with nice Europeans, the best of them, most misrahi Jews would not have a problem with it but see, they didn't, hence the prejudice that exists in Israel. Moving on; the Hebrews were not "chosen" as in "favored," they were "chosen" in that "the bloodline of Adam, needs to be preserved." Also you will do well to note, that the book of Exodus goes on to further state, that BECAUSE the Hebrews are most like the first man, God holds people of Hebrew ancestry to a higher moral standard than everyone else. Whereas non-Hebrew people, he only punishes the offending person themselves, a person of Hebrew descent who incurs God's wrath, will be punished down to the 10th generation. God does not just punish you, he will punish your children, and your grandchildren, and THEIR grandchildren, if you do evil in his eyes, and do not repent, and ask his forgiveness. See the Hebrew people, especially the descendants of David, ALL, bear that burden. Again, Adam was the father of the human race according to the bible, but only ONE of his many sons, was most like him, originally that son was Abel, but, because he was murdered by Cain, that son was replaced by Seth. Generation after generation only ONE man, is identical to Adam, in terms of personality, and appearance. That is the fundamental, ultra orthodox, ancient Hebrew tenet of Judaism. If you have Hebrew blood in your veins, and you do evil in God's eyes, he will punish your descendants, down, ten generations. Many Jews hold the view, that their suffering is rooted in evil commited by one of their great grandparents. It only takes one, to cause the suffering of many. Thus, at Sinai, God in fact made TWO covenants, one promising to preserve the bloodline of Adam, and the other being that "I'll be watching." The truth is, be thankful you are not Jewish; again, hardly favoritism, the two covenants at Sinai, specifically the second one, was a warning, that he would hold the Hebrew people to a higher moral standard than anyone else in the whole world. The proverbial "fear of God," is what compels some Jews, to seek spiritual purification. The reason, most will not give up their identity, even if they are secular, is the subconscious fear instilled early on in life, usually in Hebrew school, of that warning God gave. The covenant given at Sinai, actually, there was a fourth, was that he would watch out for the Hebrew people, if they kept themselves spiritually clean. The whole "those who bless you will be blessed, and those who curse you will be cursed" is only true, if you stay spiritually clean. If you are spiritually unclean, and you happen to be Hebrew "I will punish your descendants down 10 generations, and scatter you all across the face of the earth." Thank you God for asking permission if Adam could be created, or we could even be born huh? Sorry, I'm a bit of a cynic, specially when it comes to the Bible. I mean gosh man, 10 generations? Whatever the case, the idea of Jesus, is that as the great redeemer, he was the incarnation of God's final covenant not just to the Hebrew people, but to humanity as a whole. The last supper is significant, because it marked the end of his ministry, and the fulfillment of God's promise, according to Christian theology HOWEVER, Hebrew theology does not believe in it, because, wars still rage, the unjust, still rule, and neither Arab, nor European, seem poised to apologize for what they did to their respective groups of Jews. Hope my answer was complete. [[User:|]]stardingo747

What religions celebrate Maundy Thursday?

Most Christian denomiations celebrate Maundy (or Holy) Thursday. The feast of Maundy (or Holy) Thursday commemorates the institution of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) at the Last Supper. The word "maundy" comes from the Latin word mandatum (commandment) which is the first word that Jesus spoke to His apostles after He washed their feet (John 13:34):

• "Mandátum novum do vobis dicit Dóminus, ut diligátis ínvicem, sicut diléxi vos."

• "I give you a new commandment: Love one another as I have loved you." The biblical the events of the first Holy Thursday were:

• The eating of the Easter lamb or the paschal meal

• The washing of the disciple's feet

• The institution of the Most Holy Eucharist

. • The first Mass at which Jesus Christ is the eternal high priest

. • The first Communion of the apostles

. • The first conferring of Holy Orders

• The foretelling of Judas' betrayal and Peter's denials

• The farewell discourse and priestly prayer of Jesus

• The agony and capture of Jesus in the Garden of Olives In the Catholic Church, there are two Masses on Holy Thursday. • The Bishop celebrates the Chrism Mass early in the day where the sacramental oils are blessed and distributed to each parish. • Then the Evening Mass of Lord's Supper is celebrated in each parish.