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the establishment of cooperatives owned and operated by workers and consumers

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Q: Commerce in the 1920s was increasingly characterized by?
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Who was the secretary of commerce in the 1920s?

i think it was herbert Hoover

Which major trend characterized the 1920s and continues today?

retail buying on installment of credit

Who sold drilling rights on land in Wyoming during the early 1920s?

The Commerce Secretary

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Describe social changes and technological advances during the 1920s ... Popular culture in the 1920s was characterized by innovation in film, visual art.

Many urban areas in the 1950's increasingly became characterized by?

Slums and many displaced rural and ethnic workers.

Which part of the federal government the greatest boost to American business in its efforts to expand overseas during the 1920s?

commerce department

Which part of the federal government provided the greatest boost to American business in its efforts to expande overseas during the 1920s?

commerce department

Are the 1920s best characterized as a period of isolation in diplomacy and foreign affairs or one of internationalism?

The 1920s are best characterized as a period of both isolationism and internationalism. The United States pursued a more isolationist foreign policy, exemplified by the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations. However, there were also efforts towards international cooperation, such as the Washington Naval Conference and the Kellogg-Briand Pact.

A sense of meaninglessness and alienation characterized many writers and intelectuals during the 1920s Which event most influenced their attitude?

The trauma of World War I most influenced the sense of meaninglessness and alienation felt by writers and intellectuals during the 1920s. The widespread destruction, loss of life, and disillusionment brought about by the war caused many to question traditional values and beliefs, leading to feelings of despair and isolation.

A sense of meaninglessness and alienation characterized many writers and intellectuals during the 1920s Which event most influenced their attitude?

Transformations of the new era

Who was a writer whose work discredited the politics of the 1920s.?

F. Scott Fitzgerald, with novels such as "The Great Gatsby," exposed the materialism and corruption of the Jazz Age, shedding light on the disillusionment and moral decay that characterized 1920s society.

What were the boom years of the 1920s characterized by?

The crash, boom and bust, with lots of excess and spending were the boom years. All of these led to the Great Depression in 1929.