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Q: Communication in the nervous system depends on?
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Related questions

Why is the nervous system referred to as a communication system?

the nervous system is referred to as a communication system because it carries messages to and from all parts of the body

What is the communication network called that controls and coordinates most body activities?

The nervous system is the communication and control system for the body.

How do the nervous and respiratory system relate to each other?

Nervous system controls respiratory system .

Which of subdivision of nervous system serves as communication lines linking all parts of the body to central nervous system?

autonomic nervous system

Which human body system is a communication and contaol system?

The Nervous System

What two organ system work together to send message and control communication in the body?

The Nervous System and the Endocrine System form the body's two communication systems.

What is the communication network of our body?

the___system is the body's communication network

What is the communication headquarters of the body?

peripheral nervous system

The body's control center and communication network which directs the functions of the body's organs and system is the?

nervous system

What are the two division of the nervous system?

The 2 divisions of the nervous system are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Both systems have the main function of allowing communication from the brain to limbs and organs and back to the brain.

In the peripheral nervous system communication occurs along these?


Which human body system is a communication and control system?

The nervous system is the communication and control system of the human body. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that transmit signals throughout the body to coordinate various functions and responses.