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the two are essencial :)

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Q: Compare and contrast the ways carbon and water cycle through the biosphere?
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Is carbon dioxide a natural greenhouse gas?

Yes, it is part of the carbon cycle, that moves through the atmosphere and the biosphere.

How oxygen although it does not have an independent cycle moves through the biosphere as part of the carbon?

Although oxygen does not have an independent cycle, it moves through the biosphere as part of the carbon cycle. Develop a model to illustrate how oxygen fits into the carbon cycle. Include the various forms that oxygen takes in your model.

Compare and contrast the properties of the elements of oxygen and carbon?

12-c 22-h 11-0

What form of carbon is found in the reservoirs in the biosphere?

carbon dioxide

Is carbon recycled in the biosphere?

Yes it is.

How does oxygen move through the biosphere as part of the carbon cycle?

The oxygen moves through the biosphere as a part of the carbon cycle by breeding and attaching within the bodies exporital fluid system. Scientists to not know yet what is the real reason but we assume that a masterbating scientist may have the answer just ask the teacher that masterbates.

Is carbon stored in the biosphere in the oceans as dissolved carbon dioxide?

Yes, it is.

What sphere does photosynthesis add Carbon to?

It adds carbon to the biosphere and removes it from the atmosphere.

Is nitrogen and carbon used up by the prosses of a biosphere?

No it's Oxygen and Carbon

Are nitrogen and carbon used up by the processes of a biosphere?

Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

How does carbon cycles between biotic and abiotic components?

Respiration, then travels to the biotic part of the biosphere(through trees, etc.)

How does carbon enters the biotic part of the biosphere?
