

Best Answer

Skeletal (striated), smooth, and cardiac.
UPDATED: Dec. 1, 2009

The three types of muscles and four characteristics of each:

a. What/where - GI track, vessels and ducts

b. Appearance - smooth - not striated - no dark and light fibers

c. Nucleus - single nucleus per fiber

d. Function/movement - peristalsis

a. What/where - heart

b. Appearance - striated/striped - light and dark fibers

c. Nucleus - Multi-nuceli on connecting fibers

d. Function/movement - t (twitch)

a. What/where - skeleton of voluntary muscles

b. Appearance - striated/striped - dark and light fibers

c. Nucleus - mulit-nuclei per fiber

d. Function/movement - t & t (twitch & tetanus)

Your heart

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8y ago
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9y ago

Skeletal muscle, voluntary/striated muscle, is connected to the bone by tendons and is responsible for movement and posture. Smooth muscle, involuntary/non-striated muscle, is found in most structures and organs except the heart. The muscle found specifically in the heart is called cardiac muscle or myocardium.

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13y ago

Three types of muscle tissue are cardiac, smooth, and skeletal. Skeletal muscle tissue is the only voluntary muscle, the other two are involuntary. Also, cardiac and skeletal muscles are striated.

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9y ago

The three types of muscle are smooth, cardiac and skeletal. While they all play an important role in the body, they are all responsible for different things. The cardiac muscle is only found in the heart, the skeletal muscle is responsible for moving the bones of the body and smooth muscle is found in organs like the stomach to help with organ function.

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9y ago

There are three muscle types: Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac.All muscle cells are elongated and are called muscle fibers. Muscle contraction depends on two kinds of myofilaments (actin and myosin).
The cell membrane of a muscle cell is called "sarcolemma", while the cytoplasm of a muscle cell is called "sarcoplasm".

Skeletal muscle characteristics: long, thin and multi-nucleated fiber with striations, voluntary control; arranged into packages called muscles that attach to and cover the bony skeleton; contracts rapidly & vigorously, but tired easily; may exert great force.

Cardiac muscle characteristics: network of branched fibers connected by gap junctions (intercalated disks); only in heart; also have striations; involuntary control; contracts at rhythmic, steady rate set by "pacemaker".

Smooth muscle characteristics: lacks striations; walls of hollow visceral organs and blood vessels; involuntary control, contractions are slow & sustained.

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9y ago

There are three types of muscle tissue found in the human body. There are visceral muscles, which consist of smooth muscle tissue, which is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and responds to both hormones and neural stimulation. Smooth muscles have no striations, as the nucleus is centrally located. Thus, they are involuntarily controlled. Then, there is cardiac muscle, which is only found in the heart and is also stimulated by neural activity and hormones. Lastly, there are skeletal muscles, which aid in the movement of the body and is mostly attached to bones by means of tendons. These muscles are striated, and are voluntarily controlled. Skeletal muscles can further be sub-divided into two categories: red and white muscles. Red skeletal muscle tissue consists of a chemical not found in the white skeletal muscle called myoglobin. Myoglobin is a protein-like molecule, which aids in the storage of oxygen, which is essential to its function. Thus, this extra molecule is responsible for giving red muscles their coloring.

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13y ago

Cardiac, smooth and skeletal.

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11y ago

Skeletal, Smooth, and Cardiac.

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3y ago

Compare and contrast the three kinds of muscles:

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