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Erosion by rivers is faster because the processes carried out by rivers are far faster; for example, a river meander may move to the other side of the valley in a decade, yet a glacial trough may not widen by a single centimeter in the same time. However, you should also note that the landscapes caused by glaciers can form in a shorter period of time, and be far more impressive, but this is not the rule.

You will also notice that the features caused by glacial erosion are a lot cruder than those from rivers: compare the Grand Canyon and any glacial trough, the one I know best is Nant Ffrancon in Snowdonia, though I'm sure there's another near you. You can see that the Grand Canyon is far rougher, but also more intricate: there are stacks, as well as other features (as I am not particularly familiar with the Canyon). Nant Ffrancon, on the other hand it just a simple trough - a U-shaped valley. It is very different.

You may also note that glacial erosion is greatly affected by weathering. It was pointed out to me that one side of Nant Ffrancon was steeper than the other. This is as a result of the sun causing more melting of the ice on one side than the other. A river acts quickly and so is not nearly as affected by such factors, if at all affected.

Here are just a few comparisons between the two.

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Q: Compare erosion caused by rivers and erosion caused by glaciers?
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Erosion and weathering: Glaciers form 'U'-shaped valleys, while rivers form 'V'-shaped valleys.

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Mountains erode continuously. Erosion may be by water (rain or rivers), ice (glaciers) or wind.

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The erosive process of abrasion, which occurs in rivers and glaciers, is compared widely to sandpaper.

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i think the rivers of ice in Antarctica are called glaciers.

How glaciers and rivers affect rocks?

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