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when the poor became active in politics, this was to help better their lives. they came up with socialism. this did not work because the rich saw it as a threat to their fortunes, politicians saw it as a threat to public order, and Americans in general saw it as a threat to deeply rooted American private property, free enterprise, and individual liberty. Labor movements helped the poor people with the fight to gain money. They set up labor unions, some succeed while others did not. only certain labor groups helped certain people. They differ because socialism, everyone works together, they don't compete and with labor movements, there is a competition at every turn.

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Socialism is a political and economic ideology advocating for a complete overhaul of the capitalist system to create collective ownership and distribution of resources, while the labor movement focuses on organizing workers to improve wages, working conditions, and rights within the existing capitalist framework. Socialism aims to address systemic inequality by restructuring society, while the labor movement seeks to empower workers to negotiate fair treatment and compensation within the current economic system.

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Q: Compare socialism and labor movement as two different responses to the growing gulf between the rich and the poor?
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