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In the formation of a dipeptide, the two amino acids bond through their two functional groups (the carboxyl and amino groups). In the amino group, a hydrogen atom is taken off and in the carboxyl group; the oxygen-hydrogen molecule is taken off. The carbon atom within the carboxyl group bonds with the nitrogen in the amino group. In a disaccharide, they bond through a Carbon then Oxygen then Carbon (C-O-C). Similar to the formation of a dipeptide, a water molecule is removed because of the condensation reaction.

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9y ago

The chemical process that is used to form a disaccharide from two monosaccharaides is condensation reaction. Examples of disaccharides are sucrose, lactose and maltose.

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12y ago

When two amino acids bond it forms a dipeptide. This is a condensation reaction. When two monosaccarides can combine in a condensation reaction to form a double sugar.

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Q: Compare the process used in the formation of a dipeptide and a disaccharide?
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