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In Bowen's reaction series, feldspar minerals go through a continuous change of composition, while iron-magnesium groups have an abrupt change of mineral types.

When magma cools, the feldspars that form are calcium-rich. As cooling continues, the feldspars react with magma and the feldspar composition changes. The result is a zoned crystal with sodium-rich outer layers and calcium-rich core.

For iron-magnesium minerals, when magma starts cooling, a mineral begins to crystallize. However, when the magma temperature drops, a whole new mineral begins to form. The previously formed minerals reacts with the magma and is converted into the new mineral.

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Q: Compare the ways in which ironmagnesium minerals and feldspars crystallize from magma?
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How can you compare the density of two different minerals?

You can compare the density of two different minerals by measuring their mass and volume. The formula to calculate density is density = mass/volume. Once you have these measurements, you can compare the densities of the two minerals to determine which one is denser.

How do you compare and contrast rocks and minerals?

You can put a Venn Diagram and on top of 1 side you can put rock and on top of another side you put minerals and the middle part is how both are alike. Then you write how minerals are different then rocks on the minerals side and write how rocks are different on the rock side.

Compare and contrast granite and diorite?

Contrast: Granite consists mainly of quartz, feldspar, and ferromagnesian ("dark") minerals Diorite may be incorrectly called "granite". Diorite contains virtually no quartz, no muscovite, and no K-feldspar. It also contains a higher percentage of dark silicate minerals. Diorite has a salt and pepper appearance. Compare: Both granite and diorite are phaneritic (course-grained) rocks. Diorite is primarily sodium- rich plagioclase feldspar and amphibole, with lesser amounts of biotite. On other minor constituents of granite include muscovite and some dark silicates, particularly biotite and amphibole.

Why do scientists classify and compare climates?

So that they can compare regions of the earth more easily.

How do you compare and contrast the rainforest's canopy and the forest floor?

look up some info and compare them.

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