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Q: Compared to Pluto Mercury moves more rapidly in its orbit because mercury is what?
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Why was Mercury given this name?

The planet Mercury moves rapidly across the sky. The Greek God Mercury moved rapidly because he was the messenger of the Gods. The one suggested the other so the planet was given the name of the Greek God.

Why is mercury used in thermometres?

Mercury thermometres aren't used much, because the mercury inside is poisones, But the reason that mercury used to be used is because Mercury expands rapidly, conserning the temperature e.g. if it gets hotter, the Mercury expands, so there is more of it. So, when you're measuring the tempurature, you're actually measuring how much mercury is there, therefore telling you what the temperature.

Why was Mercury given it's name?

In Greek mythology, Mercury was the messanger of the Gods, moving rapidly from place to place performing his functions. The planet Mercury has been known to people from ancient times and appears to be the most rapidly moving of the planets. Since the planets were named for the gods, the connection with a rapidly moving god caused the planet to be named Mercury.

Why hasn't mercury been pulled into the sun?

Because Mercury is orbiting about the Sun at a speed of 109,000 mph., which is just enough to keep it from either falling towards the Sun, or moving rapidly away from the Sun.

Why mercury is preferred as a thermometric substance?

Reason1.The mercury is good conductor of heat and expand rapidly and thus the temp;change quickly. 2.Mercury has a low heat capacity3.The mercury is opeque to light and can been seen clearly4.The mercury does not stick with the wall of container.5.Mercury has a freezing point of -39c and boiling point of 357

How did mercury get it name?

Mercury got its name from the Roman messenger, Mercury. Mercury was a fast messenger, so Mercury orbits the sun fast.The planet Mercury was named after the Roman god of messengers Mercury.The planet mercury has the most rapid apparent movement in the sky of any astronomical body that looks to the naked eye like a star. Therefore the ancients considered it to be the rapidly moving messenger of the Gods, who was called Mercury by the Romans.

Will aluminum sink or float in mercury?

Aluminium will always float in Mercury. The mass of the Aluminium is irrelevent. If you think of a more common example does it matter how big the piece of wood is as to whether it floats in water? Aluminium floats in Mercury because it is lighter than the same voluime of Mercury just as wood floats on water because it is lighter than same volume of water.

Does it take mercury 10 hours to orbit around the sun?

It takes Mercury considerably more time than that to complete an orbit (if Mercury were moving that fast, it would be orbiting around the sun significantly more rapidly than the sun itself spins).Mercury's "year" is approximately 88 Earth days long.

Why the Mercury-in-glass thermometer first descends and then rise when put in flame?

When placed in a flame, the glass bulb expands rapidly. This increases the volume of the bulb and so the column descends. However, the glass then conducts the heat to the mercury so that it undergoes thermal expansion and the column rises.

The Mercury TestDirector refers to what type of product?

The Mercury TestDirector is a type of software program that will allow the user to rapidly and efficiently deploy some high quality applications. The software works with IT departments.

Who Mercury name after?

The planet is named after the Roman god Mercury. He was very speedy and which is why he was a messenger for the gods. When the ancient astronomers found a planet which travelled rapidly across the skies, they named it after this speedy god.

What is HgHe10?

Mercury helide (not halide). Extremely unstable synthetic compound that rapidly and readily releases its helium.