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Q: Compared to a low-density spherical particle a high-density spherical particle of the same size will sink through water when?
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Why are particles in liquid are held less firmly compared to solids?

Particles in liquids are held less firmly compared to solids because the intermolecular forces in liquids are weaker, allowing the particles to move around and flow past each other more freely. In solids, the particles are closely packed together with strong intermolecular forces that keep them in fixed positions, giving solids a rigid and definite shape.

What will be the relative velocity and momentum of a particle?

Without access to the particle and the system to which it is being compared it is impossible to say.

What is the charge of alphaparticle as compared to proton?

The charge of an alpha particle is twice that of a proton.

If the velocity of a particle is nonzero can the particle's acceleration be zero?

yes. If the forces acting on the a moving particle are in equilibrium, (e.g. when a spherical object reaches terminal velocity (neglecting increased air resistance as it gets closer to the ground)) then the particle will be moving at a velocity, that is not 0, yet the velocity will remain constant, and the body will not accelerate or decelerate in any direction, and thus the acceleration is 0.

What is the net electrostatic force acting on a charged particle located inside a shell of uniform charge?

That depends on the shape of the shell. If it's spherical, then the force is zero.

How do the mass and size of an alpha particle compare with mass and size of beta particle?

An alpha particle is larger and has more mass than a beta particle. An alpha particle is made up of two protons and two neutrons, giving it a mass of 4 atomic mass units, whereas a beta particle is much lighter and has a mass close to that of an electron. Size-wise, an alpha particle is larger in diameter compared to a beta particle.

If an particle hits a gold nucleus in a head on collision the particle will not be deflected very much?

Correct, due to the massive size of the gold nucleus compared to the size of the incoming particle, the particle will not experience a large deflection in a head-on collision. This is because of the concentrated positive charge in a small space in the gold nucleus that causes a very strong Coulomb repulsion when the incoming particle gets close to it.

Is it true or false beta particle will penetrate deeper into materials than an alpha particle?

False. Alpha particles have a larger mass and charge compared to beta particles, which causes them to interact more strongly with materials. As a result, alpha particles penetrate less deeply into materials compared to beta particles.

Why gold or tungsten used for particle gun method?

"Because the likelihood of a subcellular-sized particle penetrating a cell is proportional to the kinetic energy of the particle, materials of high density have generally been preferred for use in biolistic technology. These compounds include tungsten, platinum, and gold. Of these, gold is favored because it is biologically inert and because spherical gold particles can be produced in a narrow size range."

What is the particle size and filterability of precipitates?

The particle size of precipitates can vary depending on the specific chemical reaction and conditions. Generally, they range from nanometers to micrometers in size. Filterability is often influenced by the particle size and shape of the precipitates, as smaller and spherical particles are typically more easily filtered than larger or irregularly shaped particles.

What is the effect of particle size on angle of repose?

Smaller particle sizes tend to have a lower angle of repose, meaning they can form steeper piles before slumping. Larger particle sizes typically result in a higher angle of repose, indicating a shallower pile angle before slumping occurs. This relationship is due to factors such as interparticle friction and cohesion.