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Q: Compared to the size of the entire Earth, the crust is very?
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Compared to the size of the entire Earth the crust is very .?


Compared to the size of the entire Earth the crust is very?

I think the answer is thin; the crust is between 3 and 30 miles thick; less than 1% of the diameter of the Earth.

Compare to the size of the entire earth the crust is very?


What thin layer of rock surrounds the earth?

That's called the crust. The size of the crust compared to the size of the Earth's mantle can be compared to the size of the radius of an apple as the mantle and the apple's skin as the thickness of the crust. the crust is broken up into several plates that float and move around on the mantle's molten surface.

Why is the crust barely visible on scaled drawings of the Earth's cross section?

The Earth's crust is thin compared to the rest of the layers such as the mantle and core. In scaled drawings, the crust is often represented as a very thin line because it is a small proportion of the Earth's total diameter. This makes it difficult to visually represent the thickness of the crust accurately on a scaled drawing.

What is the size of ganymede compared to earth?

it's smaller than the Earth, about the size of Mars

What is the size of the earth compared to earth?

pretty close to the same

What is the approximate size of an atom?

An atom is the size of an orange compared to the Earth.

Why is the crust of earth barley visible on scaled drawing's?

Because by actual measurement, the "crust" of the earth, in relation to the size of the earth, is just about as thick as the skin of the apple in relation to the rest of the apple.

Why would a person weigh less on Pluto compared to the earth?

Due to the mass or size of Pluto compared to Earth, about 2/3 the size of our moon, the gravitational pull of Pluto is greatly weaker than Earth's.

Where is earth ranked in size compared with the other planets?


How the Earth's crust remains the same size?

The answer is subduction. In locations around the world, ocean crust subducts, or slides under, other pieces of Earth's crust. Deep below the Earth's surface, subduction causes partial melting of both the ocean crust and mantle as they slide past one another.