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That will depend on the relationship between the two tables. Assuming it's a simple link between the two tables, then it can be done pretty easily.

For example, take two tables, "nuts" and "bolts". Perhaps you would want to compare the price per quantity of each of those, and that value is stored in the table. You could do it this way:


$query = mysql_query("SELECT nuts.price AS nutprice, bolts.price as boltprice FROM nuts JOIN bolts ON nuts.quantity = bolts.quantity");

while( $data = mysql_fetch_array($query)){

do_comparison($data['nutprice'], $data['boltprice']);



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Q: Comparing a field from a table with a field from a different table and using PHP and MySQL?
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For work with mysql database make use of software below to open/read/scan/export-import mysql data

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A good place to find tutorials on how to make a MYSQL table is tutorials point. It will show how to create the table as well as give many examples. It also has many other related tutorials.

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To create a table in MySQL you will need to use the CREATE TABLE function. This is simple enough to use, a simple example of creating a users table is below, it has a unique id (Primary Key) with a unique username and a password field (which I would recommend storing as an MD5). CREATE TABLE users (id INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , username VARCHAR( 16 ) NOT NULL , password CHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL , UNIQUE ( username ) );

What command is used to remove a table in MySQL?

Please refer to the related links section which points to the correct page of the on-line MYSQL manual.