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Q: Complications of screw loosening after anterior cervical surgery?
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What is narrowing with anterior spur formation C5-6 C6-7?

Cervical spondylosis is narrowing of the joint space and anterior spur formation C5-6 C6-7. This condition is usually treated with surgery performed by an orthopedic surgeon.

What surgery is needed for a cervical disc replacement?

Surgery for a cervical disc replacement entails removal of the a portion of the cervical disc and replacing it with an artificial disc. This procedure is typically done in one surgery and is known as fusion surgery.

How dangerous is cervical spine surgery?

Cervical spine surgery can be life threating just like any other surgery. It depends on the hospital and how educated and reputable the doctors are about the surgery.

How soon can you fly after neck surgery?

at least 3 months later the surgery, i know because i work in quantas. I flew 2 weeks after anterior cervical fusion and was fine. I made sure my surgeon was OK with it first, though. I'd check with your surgeon.

How much does it cost to do an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion?

I had an anterior cervical disectomy and fusion in June 2009. The cost of the surgeon's fees was $14,000 and the hospital cost for the surgery and a day stay was $78,000. This doesn't include the anesthesiologist, all the pre-op tests and getting to surgery, i.e. nerve block, MRI, etc. I don't have all the bills back, but right now all the costs are adding up and will be over $100,000.

How long is recovery in cervical neck surgery?

The recovery rate of any type of cervical neck surgery is usually about 3-6 months.

What is the normal process during cervical spine surgery?

Every doctor is different in how they treat/do surgery on the spine. There is no way to know what the normal process is for cervical spine surgery. You can research this online.

Which medical problems can be fixed by a cervical disk surgery?

The medical problems that can be fixed by a cervical disk surgery are all back problems such as rupturing a disk in one's back which can cause the need for surgery.

Why does one need to undergo a cervical spine surgery?

Cervical spine surgery is a surgery that one might require if they are suffering from degenerative disorders, or trauma. The goal of the surgery is to relieve weakness, numbness and pain and restore nerve function.

What complications do gastric bypass patients face?

There are a number of potential complications with gastric bypass, as there is with any surgery. Some of the possible complications from this surgery are infection, hemorrhage, hernia, bowel obstruction and nutritional deficiencies.

What are possible complications of laser back surgery?

The major complication for laser back surgery is complications resulting from the use of general anesthesia. Also noteable complications are scarring, infection, skin numbness and the surgery not producing the desired results.

Where can I get more info about cervical spine surgery?

You can learn a lot about cervical spine surgery if you speak with one of your surgeons in a reputable hospital. You can visit in hospital that specializes in the bones.