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Q: Compression make ear drums do what?
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Do they have ears?

no they have ear drums

What do you have to do if ear ruptured?

I actually had both ear drums ruptured August 2008. After seeing an ear specialist, I found that your ear drums will most likely heal on their own in approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Your doctor will want to schedule a follow up to make sure they are healing. If not, possibly surgical repair.

What happens when you hear?

it breaks your ear drums!

Are head phones dangerous to ear drums?

Head phones can definitely be dangerous to ear drums. If the volume of the device that is producing the sound is turned up too high and listened to for a long period of time, the head phones could damage the ear drums.

What happens to a sound wave if there are no particles to vibrate?

the sound wave will not make it to the ear drums. you wont hear the sound.

What does a frogs ear look like?

The ear on the frog is like a skin cover on drums.

How can noise damage the ear?

Loud Noise And Explosions may damage the ear drums...

What happens when you hear KABOOM?

it breaks your ear drums!

Do deaf people have ear drums?

Yea, of course.

What are dangers of the ultrasounds?

it can burst your ear drums and then you are screwed

How can your ear drum be broken?

extremely loud noise can break your ear drums. sticking things in your ears. hard hits to the head. anything loud or physical trauma to your head can cause the ear drums to be broken.