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Q: Computing laboratory has different aspect what are they?
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How many staff inside Department of Bio-process?

Presently, there are 21 academic staffs and 4 laboratory technicians working on different aspect of the bioprocess engineering.

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it is material laboratory. MatLab is a high level computing language and interactive environment.

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How does E-safety effect your planet?

E-safety is safe computing; it is an aspect of computer security and has no effect on our planet.

How are qubits used in quantum computing?

Qubits Are Used in a Couple of Different Ways for Quantum Computing Such as Measuring the Space the Computing Takes Up or Measuring the Computing Itself.

What is laboratory wares?

Laboratory wares are the one that scientist use..... There are different types of laboratory products and are available with laboratory suppliers.

What sites online provide an introduction to cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a new aspect that has recently been added to certain web browsers or new computer systems such as mac, and an amazing high tech website that has introduction to cloud computing would be Apple Inc.

What is ComTIA in computers?

They are a company that provides tests for computer professionals so that they can get certification in some aspect of computing. Their most popular test is A+.

Why different laboratory apparatus are made different?

in the babe

What the types of computing environments?

There are so many different types of computing environments today. The most common include cloud, grid, utility and distribute types of computing.

What are the differences between cloud computing vs. saas?

SaaS is an acronym for Software as a Service, and is really just an aspect of cloud computing. It's a hard-to-grasp concept for those who are not technologically inclined. There is not much difference between the two, and it seems that "cloud" computing is simply a catchy new term to interest the buyer.