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if we need a modifying ,sreach,delete a file so we need a DBMS

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Q: Concept of file handling in DBMS?
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What is the difference between flat file and DBMS?

A flat file is a simple file containing data without any structured format, while a Database Management System (DBMS) is a software system that manages databases by organizing, storing, and retrieving data. A DBMS allows for more organized and efficient data management, supports relationships between data, and provides features like security and data integrity that are not available with flat files.

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What is the difference between database and file system?

A database is a structured collection of data organized for efficient retrieval, storage, and manipulation, while a file system is a method used by operating systems to store, organize, and access files on a computer. Databases provide features like data integrity, relationships, and query capabilities, whereas file systems primarily focus on storing and managing individual files.

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DBMS has replaced the traditional file system?

Yes. Database Management Systems (DBMS) have replaced the traditional file based data storage systems. This is because they are:More powerfulEasier to manangeCan store large volumnes of dataManipulation & fetching of data from a DBMS is many times easier than doing so from a file based data storage systemFaster

Master file in DBMS?

Yes! The master file of a DBMS is a data file containing relatively permanent records that are generally updated periodically. The transaction file is a temporary file that holds all changes to be made to the master file, such as additions, deletions, and revisions. A transaction file has to be sorted before it is used to update the master file. By the way, I didn´t get your question, but I hope I helped =D

What is the importnce of file handling?

Most applications cannot operate efficiently (or sometimes even at all) without some method to save and load data of some sort. While a database may suffice in many cases, in others it's impractical (either because availability of a DBMS isn't guaranteed, the data stored isn't enough to justify the added overhead, etc.) In such cases, using a file of some sort is often the only other reasonable option. Doing so requires file handling commands to open and close the file, read from and write to the file, etc.

What is the extension of memory file in DBMS?

Database Management Systems, or DBMS, are software applications specially designed to interact with the user and other applications, as well as the database itself, to analyze data. All files in a software have file name extensions to identify their file types. For memory files .mem is the file name extension.