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very bad condition

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Q: Condition of India before independence
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What was condition of India before independence?

India was rich, but the English developed India. They started the development of India, which Nehru continued.

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What was the name of india before independence?


How many princely states were there in India at the time of independence?

there where e around 568 states in India before independence.....

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Who were the political leaders of India before Independence?

the tlibanians

Name two countries which were part of india before independent?

Only Pakistan was part of India before independence.

Marathi essay on India after independence?

Marthi's essay on India after Independence is called "Divide and Rule Policy in India". It highlights how the country was before and after Great Britain was in power.

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Does Pakistan has the same inpendance daY as India?

No, the Pakistani day of independence is one day before India.

Who was the Governor of India before independence?

Before 1947, India was represented by a Viceroy The last one was Lord Louis Mountbatten, who became India's Governor General after partition