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Q: Condition of testes do not descend into scrotum before birth?
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What is the medical term meaning failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum sac?


What is the sac that contains the testes?

This would be the scrotum. The testicles descend into the scrotum usually within the first few months of life.

What is the condition of improperly descended testicles?

Cryptochidism- failure of testes to descend from the abdomen (develop there) to scrotum. 1. surgery or hormones to correct 2. sterility is not fixed 3. testes atrophy, potential site of cancer

What is the medical term meaning hidden testes?

In medical terminology, it is known as cryptorchidism. In the fetal life, testes are abdominal organs from where they descend to scrotum before birth. The common term is "undescended testicle".

WHAT IS THE MEDICAL TERM FOR condition of hidden testis?

The medical term for the condition of a hidden testis is cryptorchidism. This condition occurs when one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum before birth. It is important to address cryptorchidism to prevent potential complications such as infertility or an increased risk of testicular cancer.

The skin that holds the testes is what?

The answer is the scrotum, the testis are in the scrotum.

Wen do your balls drop?

The testes usually descend around the 7th month. If still undescended before the onset of puberty, the testes can be placed in the scrotum by surgical means or by administering hormones. This undescended condition is called cryptorchidism.

What are undescended testes?

Also known as cryptorchidism, undescended testes is a congenital condition characterized by testicles that do not extend to the scrotum.

Is the scrotum found outside of the body?

Your testes descend from abdominal cavity to the scrotum. There is difference of one degree Celsius from body. It is lower in the scrotum. This one degree Celsius lower temperature is necessary for production of the sperms.

The canal used to place scrotum and testes to place just before birth in men?

The inguinal canal is the canal that is used to place scrotum and testes in place before birth in men.

Failure of the testicles to descend into the scrotum is called what?

Undescended Testicle/s is the condition you refer to. It's when at birth one or both of the testes have not dropped into position in the scrotum. It happens in roughly one in 25 boys but usually it's nothing to worry about as the testes will normally move into position on there own.