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Q: Condors are related to vultures and feed on carrion or dead animals. A condor and role in the food web is as a .?
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What are the Similarities in turkey vultures and black vultures?

Both vultures and ptarmigan are birds, vertebrates and consumers. But that's where the similarities end. Differences include plumage coloring in bearded vultures and red knots may serve a cosmetic function whereas in rock ptarmigan the function appears to be camouflage. Other differences can be found in the related question below.

How can you help the California Condor?

Well, the easiest way is to donate money to organizations that work to save them and other animals. See the Related Links below. You can also try Googling "help the California condors" or "save the California condors."

Vultures are related to what species?

Probably the eagles and hawks, the new world vultures are kinda of related to storks. How they sit up.

Are crows related to vultures?

Yes, just as you could eat other bird.

What animal is related to the California condor?

Vultures are also related to the California condor

What is a animal that feeds cheifly on flesh that starts with car?

Animals that eat meat are called "carnivores". Another sort-of related word you might be thinking of is "carrion" which is an animal that's already dead that a carnivore could potentially eat. (i.e. a turkey vulture is a carnivore that eats carrion)

Give an example in which DNA comparisons showed a surprising relationship among particular kinds of organisms?

American and African vultures were once thought to be closely related, but DNAcomparisons showed that American vultures are more closely related to storks.

What are facts about vultures?

Vultures are closely related to the stork and their are 20 different species of them. They can also live up to 20 years and they do not build nests. They can also have a wingspan of 10 feet!

How are animals related?

we are not related to animals. we are humans not animals.

To what are polar bears not related?

You, chickens, camels, penguins, crocodiles, vultures... (everything except from other bears!)

How are lizards related to science?

Lizards are animals, and animals are related to biology, and biology is related to science.

Are people related to animals?

All animals (and humans are technically animals) are related, so the answer would be yes.