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Q: Confucianism was brought from China in the 12th century. One of the beliefs of Confucianism in Japan is that?
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What are beliefs in China?

dragon tales is a great show Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the three major religions in China

What are chinese beliefs?

Buddhism has had the widest influence on China. Other major religions in China include Taoism, Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity.

Which 3 religions belief systems are blended in china to form their beliefs?

The three religious belief systems are buddhism, confucianism, and neo-confucianism. They are taught by Buddha and Confucius.

Name two important changes brought about by the zhou?

The Zhou dynasty brought about changes in the form of hierarchical government ruling in China. It also brought about Confucianism and Daoism.

What were the approximate dates regarding the influence of Confucianism in China?

about 200 BC until the beginning of the twentieth century....

What is china's belief system?

Like in many countries, China's people have different religious beliefs. 2 of the most common religions would be Daoism and Confucianism.

Place of origin of confucianism?

the country of origin Confucianism is the awesome China

What development in China is an example of cultural diffusion?

Buddhism, which originated in ndia, was brought to China around the 1st century A.D.

What are three of Confucianism that have influenced china?

Confucianism has influenced ideology, culture and politics throughout China. The backbone of China's traditions and development has been Confucianism throughout the ages.

Why and how have the major beliefs of Confucianism survived for so long in China?

Confucianism has survived for so many centuries because it presents itself as more of a culture than a religion. People don't necessarily have convictions about the beliefs, they simply think it's the only acceptable way of life.

What beliefs does China have?

China consists of many different religious beliefs, but there is no 'state religion' as with many other nations. Among the various religions the Chinese people follow are: Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, Christianity and the Chinese 'traditional' or 'folk' religion.

What are the beliefs of the Chinese?

Most people in China follow the practices of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, although there are some that practice other religions, such as Christianity.