

Conserve this by turning off lights and fans?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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If your question is "What would I conserve by turning off lights and fans?", the answer is electricity.

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Q: Conserve this by turning off lights and fans?
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How do you write a sentence using the word conserve?

we can all conserve energy by washing our clothes in cold wash and turning off lights when they are not needed.

How can people conserve electricity?

Turning off lights, switching to CFLs or LEDs, using the breeze to cool your house in the summer, etc.

What are some things people can do to conserve energy?

Some ways to conserve energy include using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights when not in use, adjusting thermostat settings, sealing leaks around doors and windows, and unplugging electronics when not in use. Additionally, consider using natural lighting and relying on fans for cooling instead of air conditioning when possible.

Pictures on how to conserve your natural resources?

1.switch off the lights and fans 2. switch the car engine off when in a jam or traffic lights 3. make more and more use of renewable sources of energy

Give two examples of ways to conserve energy at school?

1. Switch off lights ,fans and computers when not in use. 2. Recycling the school waste.

What could you do to help conserve natural resources?

shorter showers, carpool, public transportation, turning off the lights when you leave the room, anything that doesn't use energy

What are the power conserving techniques at home?

You can conserve power by unplugging appliances when not in use, such as phone chargers, toasters, blenders, etc, and by turning off the lights when you leave a room.

What are some things people can do conserve energy?

they can conserve energy by . turning off the lights when leaving the room .take a shower than taking a bath .turn off water when brushing your teeth .un plug the hair drier when not in use .if got a phone that is off the charger than unplug the charger

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Turn up the lights Turn off the the lights Turn me on Turning me off Turning me on

There is nothing that you can do to conserve energy.?

There are plenty of ways that you can conserve energy. Turning off lights and televisions when leaving a room is one way. Carpooling to work is another way to conserve energy.There are many ways that a person can conserve energy. One way is to use blankets and wear warm clothing in order to reduce the amount of energy that is being used to heat your home.

There is nothing you can do to conserve energy?

There are plenty of ways that you can conserve energy. Turning off lights and televisions when leaving a room is one way. Carpooling to work is another way to conserve energy.There are many ways that a person can conserve energy. One way is to use blankets and wear warm clothing in order to reduce the amount of energy that is being used to heat your home.

What does turning off lights in your dream mean?

The lights in your dream probably symbolize information: en"light"enment. Turning off lights suggest limiting your sources of information.