

Best Answer

1- Input text T and 64 bit key K and initialization vector IV

2- Divide T into 64 bit size blocks B1...Bn

3- Get the first block B1 and perform bit-wise XOR with IV to

produce scrambled plaintext

4- Get the scrambled plaintext and encrypt with K with DES to

produce encrypted block E1

5- Repeat

a. Get next block Bi and perform bit-wise XOR with Ei-1 to

produce scrambled plaintext

b. Get the scrambled plaintext and encrypt with K with DES

to produce Ei

6- Until End of Text

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Q: Consider a simple symmetric encryption algorithm as follows 1- input text t and 64 bit key k 2- divide t into 64 bit size blocks 3- get first block b1 and perform bit-wise xor with k to?
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Broadcast IP and a subnet mask of

First, convert the relevant portion of the subnet mask to binary: 0000[1], aka /27. Next the last octet of the IP address (slightly more complex, but 5's an easy one): 0000 0101.That means the network is, the all-host-bits-1 broadcast address is at, and available host addresses are 30 hosts from to .[1] I skipped the all-ones octets, because they're not really necessary to write out.If you want it slightly more expanded:Subnet mask: 1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1111.1110 0000IP address: 0111 1011.0111 1011.0000 0010.0000 0101Network address: 0111 1011.0111 1011.0000 0010.0000 0000For each bit of the subnet mask that is 1, you take the equivalent bit out of the IP address, and the rest you fill with 0. If you prefer that terminology, you perform a bitwise AND of subnet mask and IP address.Broadcast address: 0111 1011.0111 1011.0000 0010.0001 1111For the broadcast address, take the network address and fill the host bits with 1s instead of 0 (this is why they're also called all-0s and all-1s respectively).Now just convert that binary broadcast address back to decimal: You already know three of those octets because of where you got them from.)(ProTip: a nibble filled with 1s is 15 or 240 decimal, and a nibble filled with 0s is always 0)When you have the network address and the broadcast address, you also know the available host range for this subnet: one inward from each end, or to .

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