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Q: Consider the group 1A elements sodium (period 3) potassium (period 4) and rubidium (period 5). What would you predict about the ionization energies of these elements?
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Which elements on periodic table have the highest ionization energies?

Helium (He) has the highest ionization energy.

Which group of the periodic table has the elements with lowest first ionization energies?

1A Alkali Metals

What is the correlation of ionization energies to atomic radii for the elements?

In a group the ionization energy decrease when the atomic radius increase; in a period this relation is not generally valid.

Has largerst ionization energy in its period?

Ionisation energies GENERALLY increase across a period. As a result, the noble elements (i.e. Group 0 elements) usually have the highest ionisation energies, as they are highly stable.

What is the relationship between ionization energy and the alkali metals?

There is no relation ship. They have the lowest ionization energies.

What elements have the same ionization energy?

None of them do exactly. The elements' ionization energies definitely trend in a couple of ways though. The ionization energy variations tend to decrease as atomic number goes up and tend to increase as you remove more electrons from the atom.

Out of carbon and fluorine and hydrogen and nitrogen and aluminum which element has the highest value for the first ionization energy?

Fluorine. Ionization energies are a periodic trend and they generally increase as you go up and to the right in the periodic table.See the chart in the Web Links to the left for a complete chart of the ionization energies of all the elements.

What has the highest ionization energies?


Elements that have the highest first ionization energy?

Helium (He) has the highest first ionization energy. Ionization energy increase as you go across the periodic table from left to right

Both Groups IA and IIA have what ionization?

They both have alkaline ionization energies.

Ionization energies of oxygen and xenon same or not?

No, but they are similar.

Do noble gases have high ionization energies?

Yes they do