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Q: Constructivist views of learning are grounded in the research of what?
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What is constructivist approach in teaching?

The constructivist approach in teaching emphasizes student-centered learning where students actively construct their own knowledge through hands-on activities, problem-solving, and collaboration. This approach views students as active participants in their own learning process and encourages critical thinking and inquiry-based learning. Teachers act as facilitators, guiding and supporting students as they discover and make connections between new information and their existing knowledge.

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The views of learning as advanced by Ivan Pavlov and John B Watson underestimated the important of formal education.

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Scientific research has shown that smoking is extremely harmful.

What is the Purpose of grounded theory design?

The qualitative aspect of this theory was used to do interviews to get the different views of the players. It is to find out what people are interested in.?æ

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Edward Thorndike's work on learning and educational psychology contributed to the development of the behaviorist approach to education. His theories on learning, such as the law of effect and connectionism, have influenced curriculum design by emphasizing the importance of active engagement and reinforcement in the learning process. Thorndike's research laid the foundation for the use of instructional strategies that focus on skill development and mastery learning in modern curriculum design.

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What is integrative strategy?

Integrative means that you should form a cohesion when you teach sop that the students will exposed in different views of learning.

What is the difference between the cognitive constructivist theory and the information processing theory of development?

Without getting into a discussion of all the elements of these theories the short answer deals with how each views development. Cognitive constructivist theorist's such as Piaget, saw development occurring in stages. This is referred to as discontinuous development. Constructivist see a change in what children can do as they mature, and that this change is qualitative. Information processing theory sees development as continuous. They see the difference in the way a child responds to the world, and the way an adult responds, as a matter of amount or complexity. This theory says that infants, toddlers, children, and adults respond to the world much the same.

Were there public views of the Holocaust?

The holocaust was supposed to be top secret and wasn't discussed in public. Research done later suggests that many Germans were indifferent, that is, had no strong views on it.

How can a nurse provide culturally competent care?

Research their culture and respect their cultural views.

People who join together to gain political support for their views are know as?

(For Apex Learning) Special-interest groups.