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Q: Contains the nearest blood vessels to most osteocytes in compact bone?
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Which structures in the compact bone deliver nutrients to the osteocytes?

Blood vessels running through the Haversian canals...

What contains small blood vessels?

compact bone

What bone contains small blood vessels?

compact bone

What is a description of the microscope stucture of compact bone?

Compact bone is dense and does not contain many spaces (unlike spongy bone). It has a concentric-ring structure. Compact bone consists of osteons which contains blood vessels and Volkmann's canals (which also hold blood vessels and nerves but run perpendicular to the osteons).

Which structures allow nutrients to reach the osteocytes from the blood vessels in the central canal?


How is it possible that most osteocytes are far removed from blood vessels but still receive blood- borne nutrients?

each osteocyte is interconnected with other osteocrytes via canaliculi. Canaliculi are tube-like tunnels that transport nutrients to the osteocytes, from the blood vessels

Blood vessels that nourish the osteocytes or bone cells travel to the area through the?

Haversian canal

What is a strand of cytoplasm that connects the bone cell to the blood supply?

Components of Haversian system: osteocytes (spider-shaped bone cells that lie in "lacunae") that have laid down a matrix of collagen and calcium salts in concentric lamellae (layers) around a central Haversian canal containing blood vessels and nerves.The Haversian canal contains small blood vessels responsible for the blood supply to osteocytes (individual bone cells).

What is the column of the bone?

The shaft or long, main part of a long bone is called the diaphysis. There are also columns within compact bones called central (Haversian) canals through which blood vessels and nerves travel to supply blood and innervation to the bone cells (osteocytes).

What is the functional unit of compact bone?

The basic unit of a compact bone is an osteon. This is also known as the Haversian canal and it contains blood vessels that transport blood to the bone.

Blood vessels lymphatic vessels and nerves travel through compact bone via the?


What does the compact bone do?

it helps the bloo vessels get through the bones