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a gentle slope

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Q: Contour lines that are far apart indicate?
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What kind of topography does contour lines that are far apart indicate?

Contour lines that are far apart indicate a gentle slope. Because contour lines connect points with the same elevation, wide spacing indicates that the elevation is not changing drastically.

On topographic maps contour lines that are far apart indicate?

They show a narrow area

How do the contour lines on a topographic map indicate the slope of land?

If the contour lines are far apart, then that indicates the land has a gentle slope (low slope).

How do the contour lines on a topographic map indicate the slopes of the land?

If the contour lines are far apart, then that indicates the land has a gentle slope (low slope).

Are contour lines closely spaced or far apart to indicate steep hills?

Closely spaced

What kind of topgraphy is indicated by contour line that are very close together by contour line that are very far apart?

Lines that are very close indicate a steep change in altitude. Far apart means a slow or gradual change.

What is indicated when contour lines are far apart on a topographic map?

On a map they would indicate a steep slope And on a synoptic chart they would indicate stronger winds the closer they are. Depends on the differences in barometric pressure between the isobars.

What does it mean when the contour lines are far apart?

The land is relatively flat.

How are contour lines shown for a gentle slope?

Contours for a gentle slope are spaced equally and far apart, the closer the contour lines the steeper the slope.

On a topographic map the elevation of an area with contour lines that are very far apart is .?

nearly flat

What on a topographic map the elevation of an area with contour lines that are very far apart is?

nearly flat

How far apart would two successive index contours be on a map with a contour interval of 5 meters?

Two successive index contours on a map would be 5 meters apart. The interval is how far apart two contour lines are, so since the contour interval is 5 meters the answer is 5 meters.