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Q: What physical state is bromine when the particles are far apart and random?
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Is bromine a solid a liquid or a gas when the arrangement of particles is far apart and random?

Bromine is a liquid at room temperature. The description of particles is of atoms in a liquid.

Are the particles of gas packed tightly together?

No, they are not packed tightly together. The particles in solids are. In gas, they move in random motion and are the furthest apart, compared to solids and liquids. Hope this helps :)

Are the particles of gas are packed tightly together?

No, they are not packed tightly together. The particles in solids are. In gas, they move in random motion and are the furthest apart, compared to solids and liquids. Hope this helps :)

Do liquid particles have extreme disorder?

Although liquid particles are more disordered than those in solid particles, they are less disordered than those of gaseous particles. In liquids, particles slide past one another. In gases, however, particles are more spread apart and move in a random manner.

What happens to a particle in diffusion?

When particles diffuse they break apart, down into simpler substances. Diffusion is the net movement of molecules from high to low concentration through random motion. From the particle point of view it just moves about at random (as usual) but the overall effect is for the particles to spread out evenly.

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The particles of helium are farthest apart in a balloon.

Are air particles of sound far apart or close together?

high sound particles are near, and low sound as far apart particles.

Are particles far apart in a solid?

no but the particles in a solid vibrate

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High in the atmosphere are the particles close or far apart?

Far apart.

What are the particles in a liquid?

Sped apart

What happens to the particles when a physical or chemical change occurs?

As a substance goes from the solid to liquid to gas state, the particles in it are getting farther and farther apart, because they are obtaining more energy, causing them to move around faster, collide more, and move apart. As a substance goes from the gas to liquid to solid state, the particles in it are getting closer and closer, because they are losing energy which causes them to slow down and get pushed tighter together.