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When particles diffuse they break apart, down into simpler substances.

Diffusion is the net movement of molecules from high to low concentration through random motion. From the particle point of view it just moves about at random (as usual) but the overall effect is for the particles to spread out evenly.

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Q: What happens to a particle in diffusion?
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How many types of Passive transport are there?

1) Passive diffusion. 2) Carrier mediated diffusion. In passive diffusion particles move from higher concentration to lower concentration. In carrier mediated passive diffusion a carrier protein comes, takes a paricle with it, go inside the cell membrane and liberate the particle inside. This is simple physics. By this way, once equal concentration is achieved (50 % on either side.) the diffusion should stop. But in biology the absorption may extend to very high level by passive diffusion. In biology on the other side of the cells there are cappilaries. They carry away the particle, say glucose, and maintain the concentration gradient. And so absorption continuesto very high level. ( Till all the particles are equally distributed.)

What is the purpose for diffusion and osmosis?

There is no real purpose. But they are both forms of particle movement across the concentration gradient (from high concentration). You could say that the purpose is to balance the amount of a certain particle. NATURE HATES HIGH CONCENTRATION OF PARTICLES IN ONE AREA! :)

Difference between molecular motion and diffusion?

It triggers diffusion because diffusion is the movement of molecules, therefore as soon as the molecules move diffusion begins to do it's job. It will take them from areas of greater concentration to areas of lesser concentration.

What is the natural tendency of molecules to spread evenly through a room?


How diffusion will occur?

diffusion is occur when different concentration gradient is applied