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Depends what kind of organisation, but mainly psychological assesments and tests are used in recruitment. Some organisations such as the fire service benefit greatly from psychologists and psychological tecnhiques. Organisations such as schools use psychology to improve teaching and learning techniques etc.

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Psychology contributes to organizations by helping to understand employee behavior, motivation, and well-being. It can inform practices related to recruitment, training, leadership, and organizational culture to enhance performance and productivity. Additionally, psychology offers insights into conflict resolution, decision-making, and stress management for a healthier and more efficient work environment.

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What was Rene' Descartes contribution to psychology?

Rene Descartes' contribution to psychology was his dualistic perspective that separated the mind (thinking) from the body (physical), known as Cartesian dualism. This perspective laid the foundation for modern psychology to explore the relationship between mental processes and behavior. Descartes also emphasized the role of reasoning and introspection in understanding human cognition, influencing the development of cognitive psychology.

The world's largest organization devoted to the advancement of psychology is the?

American Psychological Association (APA) is the world's largest organization devoted to the advancement of psychology. APA promotes the understanding of psychology and its applications, develops psychology as a science, and provides resources for professionals in the field. It also sets ethical standards and guidelines for psychologists.

What was Pavlov's contribution to psychology?

Pavlov's contribution to psychology was his work on classical conditioning, where he demonstrated how a neutral stimulus could come to elicit a reflexive response through repeated pairings with an unconditioned stimulus. His research laid the foundation for behaviorism and our understanding of how we learn and adapt to our environment.

What was Harvey carr's contribution to psychology?

Harvey Carr was a psychologist known for his work in behaviorism and experimental psychology. He contributed to the understanding of classical conditioning and reinforcement in animal behavior. Carr's research laid the foundation for the development of behaviorism as a major school of psychology.

What is tayu contribution to psychology?

Tayu is a form of traditional Japanese theater that incorporates psychological themes and character developments. It often explores complex emotions, interpersonal relationships, and the human psyche, providing valuable insights into the psychology of the characters and the audience members. Studying tayu performances can offer a unique perspective on psychological processes and the ways in which emotions are portrayed and experienced in a cultural context.

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Rene Descartes helped form the early ideas of psychology, before psychology was an established field. His most important contribution to modern psychology is probably the idea of the mind and body being separate entities, which has major implications for why and how we experience emotions.

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It is counted under organization.

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