

Conversion factor of inches to kilometer?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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1 km = 39,370.08 inches

1 inch = 0.00002540 km

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Q: Conversion factor of inches to kilometer?
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How many inches dose 2300 kilometer equals?

A kilometer is 1000 meters, so your 2300 are equal to 2,300,000 meters. Each inch is equal to 0.0254 meters. Use this factor for your conversion.

What conversion factor is needed to change from kilometer to meters?


Is a conversion factor written as a fraction?

Not necessarily. The conversion factor from feet to inches is 12.

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The conversion factor for converting from Hg to millibars (hPa) is: 33.9

What conversion factor should be used for Kilometers to meters?

One kilometer equals 1000 meters.

How do you convert a measurement?

You multiply it by it's conversion factor. For example, the conversion factor for feet to inches is 12. So 4 feet is 48 inches because 4*12 = 48

What conversion factor fraction is used to convert inches to feet?

The conversion fraction is 1/12.

What is the perimeter in inches using the conversion factor of 2.54 cm?

25.4 cm = 10 inches

How do you convert inches of Mercury to pascals?

To convert inches of Mercury to pascals, use the conversion factor 1 inHg = 3386.39 Pa. Multiply the value in inches of Mercury by this conversion factor to get the equivalent value in pascals.

Is 12 inches over 1 foot a rate?

It is a conversion factor but, it could be considered a rate [of conversion].

How do you find number of yards in inches?

Each yard has 3 feet, each foot has 12 inches. Therefore, the conversion factor is 36. If you have yards, multiply by 36 to get inches. If you have inches, divide by 36 to get yards.Each yard has 3 feet, each foot has 12 inches. Therefore, the conversion factor is 36. If you have yards, multiply by 36 to get inches. If you have inches, divide by 36 to get yards.Each yard has 3 feet, each foot has 12 inches. Therefore, the conversion factor is 36. If you have yards, multiply by 36 to get inches. If you have inches, divide by 36 to get yards.Each yard has 3 feet, each foot has 12 inches. Therefore, the conversion factor is 36. If you have yards, multiply by 36 to get inches. If you have inches, divide by 36 to get yards.

What is the conversion factor for inches to centimeters?

1 inch = 2.54 cm