

Convert this temperature to the Kelvin scale. 25c?

Updated: 4/5/2020
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Sergio Soto

Lvl 1
4y ago

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add 273 to get from C to K

25 + 273 = 298 Kelvins

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Q: Convert this temperature to the Kelvin scale. 25c?
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What is the kelvin temperature at 25c?

25ºC = 298.15K

What is room temperature water?

Room temperature water is the same as room temperature which ranges from 14C-25C (59F-77F)

What is the final volume of a balloon that was initially 500.0 mL at 25C and was then heated to 50C?

To find the final volume of the balloon, you would need to use the ideal gas law equation. V2 = V1 * (T2 / T1), where V1 is the initial volume, T1 is the initial temperature, T2 is the final temperature (in Kelvin), and V2 is the final volume. Convert temperatures to Kelvin (25C = 298K, 50C = 323K) and then calculate the final volume.

What is the relation between Celsius Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales?

0° on the Celsius scale is the temperature at which water freezes. 0° on the Kelvin scale is absolute zero (all molecular vibration at a standstill) and 273.15° Kelvin is the temperature at which water freezes. A movement of one degree in either reflects the same increase in temperature. A Celsius reading can thus be converted into the Kelvin reading by adding 273.15° to it. The Kelvin scale sets 0°K at minus 273.15° Celsius (absolute zero) To convert from Celsius to kelvin you add 273 to the Celsius temperature to get kelvin.

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-25C in the winter

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between 17.6C and 25C

What is 77F converted to celsius?

The temperature 77F = 25C

What is the temperature of water at room temperature?

Anywhere from 14C-25C (59F-77F)

What is 59-77f in celsius scale?

59F - 77F is equal to 15C - 25C

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Mercury (Hg) is liquid at room temperature.

What temperature does the Fahrenheit scale becomes 5 times equal the centigrade scale?

When the temperature is 10°C = 50°F F = 9/5 C + 32 → Require 5C = 9/5C + 32 → 25C = 9C + 160 → 16C = 160 → C = 10

What happens to the temperature as you move from the inner core towards the crust?

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