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Cooler denser air is pulled down by gravity but is also pushed down by the rising hot air. This process is called convection.

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Q: Cooler denser air is pulled down by?
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Is cooler and denser air pulled down by gravity?

Yes. But as they approach the Earth's surface, the air will become more compressed and thus warmer and even more dense.

What is cooler air pulled down by?

The density of a cool gas is lower compared with the density of a hot gas; consequently the cooler gas is pulled down.

Why is cooler air found in low valleys on calm nights?

Cooler air is found in low valleys on calm nights because cooler air is dense. This denser air sinks down into the valleys.

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Warm air is less dense than cooler air.

Which is best described how air moves during convection?

Warm air is displaced by cooler denser air

Why flames of a fire rise even though gravity pull thing downwards?

Gravity pulls denser air down, this pushes the lighter hot air, from the fire, up.Gravity pulls denser air down, this pushes the lighter hot air, from the fire, up.Gravity pulls denser air down, this pushes the lighter hot air, from the fire, up.Gravity pulls denser air down, this pushes the lighter hot air, from the fire, up.

The smoke from a bonfire rises upwards?

It is hot, and less dense than the air it displaces. It floats of the cooler, denser air.

The smoke from a bonfire rises upwards why?

It is hot, and less dense than the air it displaces. It floats of the cooler, denser air.

Why the flames of fire rise even though gravity pulls things downwards?

The hotter the air the less dense the molecules are so the rise. Just like in a thunderstorm, warm air is quickly thrust upward because of the pressure of the cooler, denser air. Gravity affects(pulls) the cooler, denser air more because it is heavier.

What is a situation that causes air pressure to rise?

Cooler, denser air is associated with areas of high pressure, and these may be reinforced by prevailing winds on their perimeter.

Does density have to do with tornadoes forming?

Yes. Tornadoes are a product of thunderstorms. Thunderstorms form as a result of warm air rising through cooler, denser air.

Which air has greater air pressure?

Cooler air has greater air pressure since the air molecules are denser, meaning they are close together. Warmer air has lower air pressure for the opposite reason.