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Q: Copper oxidation reduces electrical current in electrical wire?
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What is the oxidation state of copper in the compound CuCl2?

+2 oxidation state for the Copper. -1 for the Chloride

Do copper carry current?

Yes, copper is a good electrical conductor.

Is gold and copper good conductors of an electrical current?


Is oxidation of copper exothermic or endothermic?

Copper oxidation is endothermic.

How do you measure electrical current flow in a copper wire?

Electrical current flow in a copper wire is measured with an ammeter. It is either clamped onto the wire or attached at one end to monitor the amount of current moving through the wire.

What is a conductive material that controls electrical fields and reduces RF interference and signal loss in cables?

Copper mesh.

Will copper carry a electric current?

Yes, very easily. Copper is an excellent electrical conductor.

What is a substance that dissolves in solution to conduct an electrical current?

In a normal battery; Copper and Zinc.

Why is copper a good insulater?

Copper is not a good insulating material for either thermal or electrical conductivity. Copper is actually a very good conductor of both heat and electric current, hence its use in electrical wiring, circuit pathways, and heatsinks.

Copper can be obtained from solutions containing copper compounds by?


What is the oxidation number of the copper in CuNH33Cl-NO3?

+2 for Copper

What is the oxidation state for copper?

Five: 0 (elementary), +1, +2, +3, +4