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Q: Coral buried by sediments over time turn into what?
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What will happen to a coral reef over time if it gets buried?

To be exact the coral reef will just get buried and die.

What are created when the bodies of dead organisms are buried in the sediments or sand and mineralize over time?

Various sedimentary rock is created. Examples include: * Marble * Limestone

What observations did you make as to how ice deposited sediments over time?

What observations did you make as to how ice deposited sediments over time

What type of rocks are formed when sediments are compacted over time?

Rocks that are formed by layers of sediments that are compacted over time are appropriately named sedimentary rocks.

How do fossil seashells get in sedimentary rock?

When an animal with a shell dies, its shell settles at the bottom of the body of water it lived in. Over time, the shell becomes buried with layer after layer of sediments. The sediments may become compacted and undergo the process of lithification, becoming rock.

How have sediments been transported over time?

By Weathering and erosion

How does igneous and metamorphic rocks change into sediments?

by hardening over time

What is the process by which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layers?

Each layer is deposited over time as the environment changes over millions of years. The process is deposition of differing sediments, forming strata. When buried at great pressure, the rock is formed, and the strata are evident. Layers may also be caused by lamination of the sediments or through mineral banding (especially in sandstones).

How do sediments change over time?

The get compacted with burial and dewater. The grains from which they are made become cemented together and the sediments become sedimentary rocks.

What will happen to every lake over time?

They will fill up with silt and sediments.

How are rocks and gems made?

From compaction of sediments over a wide time span

How is delta most likely formed?

by sediments building up over time